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other drivers who dont give way ???

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Lol, could sayyyyy so much about folk on the roads...bus driving is NOT for people easily annoyed, probably why im on my last warning lol.

So many folk are cunts, not just drivers, pedestrians can be just as bad. See a bus coming along the road...but their brain says fuck it and walk out anyway....thats always fun!

Get cut up, folk pulling out in front of you, folk not indicating etc, constantly.

I need a new job.....

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Does anyone actively seek revenge on these drivers?

If someone cheeses me off big style on a dual carriageway/motorway I overtake them and gradually slow down not letting them past.

I had a guy give me and a mate the 2 finger salute on the A34 last year so I did it to him for 8 miles lol it was late at night, he was doing about 65 I only came past at 70 and he was giving us the finger so I blocked him in and slowed down to about 40 lol ahhhh fun times.

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What's the point lol, just let them past. Doing shit like that, making people annoyed just causes accidents.

There's always going to be people in life that annoy you in many different ways. Just ignore it and get on with it lol. No point in driving like a twat just because someone else decides to.

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