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Honesty goes a long way

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Right to cut a long story short, whitenoise brought a rescueman off me a few weeks ago, there was some confusion with his address and it was sent to his previous address in ireland and not london. After a week of trying to contact royal mail to get it back to forward to his new address i gave up and told him i was going to refund him this week, got a reply saying he had got his brother to go around and had got it as the new tenant had signed for it, now he could of easily taken the refund off me and still would of had the rescueman but he didnt do this and i admire his honesty and would like to say a public thankyou as there are too many dishonest and theiving people making their way onto the forums lately, i would never hesitate dealing with him again :thumbsup:

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Thanks very much for the kind words dude.. The confusion about address was my own stupidity I wouldnt even have took a refund of you but it was nice of you to offer..most other sellers would have just told me it was my own fuck up lol I find if your straight up with people it always come back around.. I wouldn't want to be branded a con man over a rescueman haha

Edited by Whitenoize
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As said bud i would of given a refund if needed as i like to treat people fairly unlike some of the posts ive seen lately from people . It is good to find that there are still honest people in the club as mikey has said even if they are far and few between :thumbsup:

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