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Happy new year. 2008 here we come

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Hi all,

Id just like to wish you all a happy new year.

2007 has been quite an eventful year for me and not entirely in a good way. But as a member on here said to me recently (Ryno) i have my health so all is well. Even so im looking forward to a new year and hopefully better than 2007.

Here are some pictures of my last year.

Waving goodbye to my Fantastic first Starlet. :(


Buying my Beautiful SR that took me just under a year to find. :D


Gumball 3000/


MPH Show.


My hero tragically dying. :(


Best holiday ever. From the left, My girlfriend Siobhan, Her mate Kelly, Me, My mate Ricky, My mate Matt, And My girlfriends mate Fee :D


JAE for the first time. :D


Alex being hit by a horse


Alex finally buying a Starlet after a little persuasion. :p


Me and Alex having a mint time in the summer with the two Starlets


Finally ordered the 4EFTE i always wanted along with Alex aswell


The Bluewater meet. Especially this: :D


The Yorkshire Meet


My 22nd Birthday. :D:D


So i cant really complain about a few bad things that have happened as all of the above plus more far out weighed the bad things.

Happy new year all

James ;)

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nice thred bud, looks like o7 was full of good memorys

happy new year to you and everyone reading this,

i just have a feeling that 2008 will be a vintage year for some reason, i hope im right :D

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i plan to start 2008 the same way i started 2007..... pickled in vodka and surrounded by hotties....roll on V.I.P Hed-Kandi 2008 NYE Party :D

hope you all have a great night and all i can say is it's been a pleasure causing trouble on UKSC through 2007!

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right a quick photo diary of my 2007.

i turned 21 this year and for my present i got the chance to drive several awsome cars.........



saying bye bye to big steve the green n/a, which in the end didnt go far as my little brother liam brought it!


i then started the epic journey to newquey, which unfortunatly for me was when the floods happened, i was stuck in the car 26 hours as the motorway was closed while i was on it! heres a pic of liam and my dad looking slightly pissed off on the motorway


and heres how the motorway looked


but we stayed strong and finally made it as far as plymouth heres some pics.



we then journyed on to reach our destination newquey..........were many good times were had, some of the stories arnt really suitable for here though!


and on the way back from newquey we made a detour to swansea so i could pick up this................my new baby


the end few months have been all about work changes, as i gave up my job of 4 years to pursue a new caraer..... rebuilding at midland turbo.

i could have posted up endless pics of drunken nights out! lol. but i thought i would keep it civilised!

2008 looks promising and i would like to wish everyone all the best!

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lovin the pics keirs, would love to know what mischief you got upto down at newkey

ok bourtkmyster

the 5th of jan started like this for me, abit of a shit start to the new year


got to kick about in this for two months

caused 2ks ws worth of damage by doing a j turn into a curb(took the insurance out so didnt have to pay)

another notable moment was doin a ton20 on a flat pax run flat tyre without even knowing(all cars should be fitted with these)


good things always come from bad so my dream came true when i put a deposit on athena in feb


in april i met the lushus lee, been with here ever since


in the same month i also got to work on the new uksc

heres a wee teaser for people that have not seen(will be finnished uber soon)


in may i bought beril

and in july i fucked her into a back of a cab, part of the reason why i missed jae


same day lee writes off her motor !!! i shit you not


was part of a nice turnout of 14eps at the summer meet in may, was minted craic dispite the weather


a month later i blew the turbo the night before jae(the other part of why i never made it down)

meanwhile festival time arived


a scary one of lee lol


lol fixed beril up only for someone to fuck into me



a mate did this for me, was a gigle so thought id throw it up

ps i dont condone drugs


undoubtedly the best night of the year was halloween.


managed to get athena back on the road with a decent turbo setup so thought id treat her to some new shoes


where im at now,

last wk in south africa


and this wk in dubai.


all the best in o8 peeps :D

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Loving the look of the new UKSC aswell looks like choosing a car on Colin Mcrae Rally or something ;)

2007 not been a great year for me but 2008 looks very promising as the Starbo will bve out and looking good :(

Have a good one tonight guys im going to have a BANGING one!!!! :D

Take it easy see you in the new year :(

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Happy New Year to you all! ;)

I had my GCSE's this year and got the grades I wanted and got a place in the college I really wanted to go to :D

Car wise..

Earlier this year my brother's SR was kinda my project as I use to always work on it.

One of my first proper paint jobs:


January 28th: Went to my first ever Starlet meet which was also organised by me, got it featured in Banzai too :D





Bought my own SR on the 2nd of March which is a Cat C write off




Organised another meet for the 15th of April when the weather was alot better





My car at the time!



My brothers


Then he sold his car on the 22nd of April because his license got revoked

Last few pics of his




May 20th: He bought an engine-less Automatic 1995 EP82 as a project which I kinda helped him with


Months later and my SR is looking like this





Thats about it from me, but overall I think 2007 had been my year. I could only dream of having my own Starlet at the age of 15 at the time!!

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Not really got any good pics, and Keirz has pretty much most of my year.

Although at the start of Jan i got my job at the place i always wanted to work. Woop

And i also turned seventeen which ment that i could finally learn to drive and i was also able to buy Big Steve the N/A of Keirz :D:(

Have a good new year fellow UKSC members, dont get too drunk. :D ;)

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OOOiii OOOIiii peeps, hope everyone had a good and safe night. Wishing everyone the very best for 2008, just got on the laptop at 4.30, got in this morning at 6ish and went to the kip with a pint of fluids etc.

I hope 2008 is a good year for the cars too, i plan to mod mine up to 160bhp, and i know some other guys on the forums have plans as well.

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Happy new year UKSC!!!

2007 saw me finally find the woman of my dreams in every sense of the word, she just makes everything better, end of!!!!

admittidley my health has been quite bad recently and it had a scare or two, but all in all 07 has been pretty good, into final year uni and the car is so much further along than she even was at JAE 07 and there's STILL a 'to do' list the length of my arm!!!

07 saw me make some very special new freinds in rob bower and his mrs, in Nath and his wife alex who are just the most awesome 4 people u could ever hope to meet, and a few others, and it saw the growth of many older friendships that have become much more than just random folk on the net, Rick, SiCaln, Joz, Shelly, Rich, Jay...the list is nearly endless...all i can say to each and every UKSC member that i have had the pleasure of talking to over the past year is THANK YOU!!! all of u!!! for everything!!!!! u are a truly amazing group of people!!!!

I hope that 08 is a fantastic yr for u all!!! i hope to nail my masters degree, so i have alot of work to do, and to continue to work on the car to new heights of uberness, and i hope and pray that i will see u all at JAE this yr all being well!!!!!!!!!!

Happy new year to u all!


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2007 in pictures

Rare moment of cleanliness for the car


A lil early year project ,neglected by a previous owner,made better by me!


Lil bit of snow



A mid summers project,much to my ex's dismay



A few choice toys for the car





Got a new job which was nice

Got a new girlfriend which was very nice!! ;)

Then just before Xmas lost said girlfriend :D:D

So sold this


And bought this to cheer myself up


Went out over new year and now have a new girlfriend so alls well for the start of 2008! :(:(

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Don't really know what to say about 2007

Isn't really outstanding in any one way, other than getting engaged to the lovely Jo (aka Joey) and having a great time at JAE :)

Here's to a good 2008 though, have sorted most of the niggles with my car, am enjoying life now, going out far more than I ever used to, still going well with Jo, and starting a new job this month :lol:

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Happy New year guys and gals!!!!

I've not been on much over the past month or so with work and a brief spell in hospital over the holiday period but i hope every one had a good one!!!

The past year has been a pretty slow and boring on for me not really done much to the car still got a few bits ain the pipeline for this year though. Work has really started to get boring!!!

JAE2007 however did see me making new friends phil and mark (nanglebadger and bro) and nath and alex (starletnath and his wife) and loads more along the way. Thois was prob th highlight of my year and i hope to meet some more great friends at JAE2008.

Looking forward to 2008 i hope to make this a better year am now on the look out for a new job and will be looking at buying a house at some point over the next 12 months.

As for the car we will just have to wait and see!!!

All the best for all UKSC members new and old!!!


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