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Posts posted by Phil

  1. Was Spuddy running one of ECC's gaskets then? I thought he was running the TRD gasket?

    just checked back through the threads, No your right mate, he hadnt used one before he sold the car.

    he was using trd one so would have been using this but ECC hadnt got them in yet.


  2. I did look at Nengun but they don't have them listed for the Starlet anymore. RHD have never done them as far as I know.

    I did see ECC have had some done, but I wasn't sure how good they would be, as I've read that the TRD gaskets can take a hell of a lot of abusive and knock before blowing.

    RHD def did them at one point maybe years ago as i bought one from them. even got pics of it in their lovely wrapping paper lol



    i would trust the ECC ones, they are top end tuners and the HG will have been specced & tested very well. there hgs have made 570 on a 5E and 400+ on a 4e.

    id go as far as saying it would be as good as the TRD unit.


  3. adam

    you cant get TRD ones, nengun/rhdjapan dont have them, but you can get 0.6mm ones online (ill find link and post later, gryzor on TGTT posted it up recently think its an ebay seller)

    Also Eastcoastcustoms (n.ireland) have got 0.6mm metal hgs made for the starlet, and all there stuff is as 100% as can be, good company.

    just for your consideration garrygt - 10cc dish pistons increase capacity by 40cc (obvious i know) a 0.6mm will only decrease that by 10.32ish cc

    so your still down 30odd cc against stock.

    i did 10cc pistons in my last engine and a trd hg plus some excessive skimming of head and made great power at very little boost and very little lag even with billet cams.


  4. TRD or similar 0.6mm will work fine if you have the 10cc dished pistons.

    infact your compression will still be lower than stock.

    trd was sold primarily for the 4efe yes.

    0.6mm hg can still be bought but as Idrees says, not from TRD.


  5. It's easy to make comments like this when you haven't paid a penny, come back when you've paid £3500

    Correct. though as this thread has proved its just as easy to spout negative crap when you havent lost a penny either.

    So td are sorting it?

    Sounds like you aren't happy with the potential solution offered.

    Apparently they needed a week to cover up their errors?!>? when in fact they needed it a week as you werent about bar mondays.

    no one is saying its ideal, it is a problem thats on the agenda after all.

    Number one when u paid all that money I have u expect to go pik up the car running fine that noise has been there since day one

    If that happens everyone has done well i agree, but as someone experienced in how these things work, then i would say that no you should not expect anything to go smoothly, nomatter what you've paid. unless your going to pay someone to take on the ownership experience of driving the car for a few weeks to troubleshoot any MINOR issues such as this and then fix them as they arise.

    So td are sorting it?

    Number 2 I goes am willing to take it to someone else but I was told if I do so my warrenty is void Just by another specialist taking the box off

    This has not been commented on my mike or nick i don't think in this thread, maybe i missed it, so ill take your word for it.

    but imagine that another company takes the box off and the clutch is broke, whats you play? whinge to TD?

    your giving them every reason to have no inclination towards helping you.

    Number 3 they never once said yh it could have been a duff release bearing all they keep saying

    Is its the input shaft bearing So it dont seem like its on them to do the work under warrenty as I could understand if I done some miles on it and I was ragging it and it went faulty, as soon as I piked it up from them the noise was there and at that point I've not even done 0 miles

    On the engine myself

    4 I've taken the car to 2 starlet specialist including

    Tim @ tb developments who highly regarded and they both said could be a faulty clutch or

    Release bearing

    Regarding 3 and 4, this is really what i was getting at with my first post, nothing mentioned sounds remotely serious.

    TD have done a quick diagnosis and so have two other parties, two agree one doesnt.

    neither know for certain.

    neither are suggesting that a problem doesnt exist, nor are either suggesting that anything is terribly wrong.

    if it was me i would apologise for the childish whinging, put on your big boy shoes and get yourself to TD.

    Let them sort it nomatter the issue, if the clutch has fallen to a million pieces its not their fault if the shaft bearing or release bearing has collasped so be it.

    speak to them, not another mechanic, not us and sort it.

    all this stuff about TD wont admit this or wont agree with that,

    is nonsense,

    your pitting two starlet specialist best GUESSES against each-other which neither party would want to see.


  6. i havent read a thing here that needs to be on a public forum.

    from what ive read and what redline has said, he doesnt have a great relationship with TD and is ruining whatever relationship he has by moaning and complaining about every attempt they make to sort the issue for him.

    if you have lost all your faith in him redline then continue moaning and encourage TD to live up to the rep you seem to wnat to give them.

    otherwise, accept that its a VERY minor issue that is unlikely to be TDs fault (clutch failure is a component issue) and allow them to sort it.

    Every time Mike has came back with a response it has made perfect sense to me.

    only the TD responses filtered by your keyboard seem to be garbled.


  7. Fantastic, just reading Yogis build thread and knowing he isnt around anymore really makes you think.

    lifes short for many, long for some, but either way there is an opportunity for something worthwhile to be done.

    good to hear your coming alongside your mates dreams to make them happen. hope you get all the parts/support yous need throughout the project.

    would be nice for you to update the original build thread as you go, would be a fitting tribute.


  8. Thing with that is 260bhp is not far off what standard rods run over here, let alone what is said to be run on stock lumps in Jamaica.

    revs is what gets rods not just power.

    and at over 260 @1bar td04 you can assume that i ran plenty of revs :)

    only thing i would say to anyone buying is balance them, its simple to do and you would be mad not to do it. dont just throw the rods in the car.

    and go to maxspeedingrods though they are probably the same as these ones, they will go much lower with the price.


  9. Its quite a risk to run something like this imo, if they made other stuff that is less of a crucial component that people had been using for some time then i'd consider it.

    But if a rod breaks. Worst case senario is new head, block, valves, crank, piston and rod.... Basically a new engine.

    Personally i would rather run a tried and tested item on a part like this.

    Well unless i had money to throw around the place that is.

    I've ran them, no issues.

    260hp+ for quite some time, 1bar td04.


  10. they used to be much cheaper, 180posted.

    same origin as maxspeedingrods, they can still be bought for 190ish posted if you just find maxspeedingrods and keep asking.

    they do 5e ones too.

    ive used them and seen them used to good effect.

    get them balanced and checked by an engineer and your sorted.

    Plenty of bad stories too id guess, what with anyone who sells anything disliking an undercutter, and anyone who overpays begrudging a bargain hunter you can see where they stories come from.

    this thread for example started in a reasonable fashion, but in wadded the jokers and what not (and rightly so, im one of you) but have you all had a chinese rod come through a block? maybe one? maybe none>?

    arrow/eagle/scat/PEC all look to similar to me, and beware of the naysayers who claim something was definitely manufactured in america/germany/japan or britian, many times companies can claim that because they simply check/test the products they buy in within developed countries borders.

    You think that HKS/pauter/other big manufactuers dont subcontract there work out? and then quadriple the price before checking it, stamping it and sending it out?

    dont get me wrong, the quality control isnt so high with these ebay rods,

    (though it clearly exists just look at the price they are charging you could pay a chinaman to check a hundred rods everytime he sells one set)

    but that is primarily what you pay for with big brands, quality assurance.

    nothing wrong with those appreciate good quality control, but to the gamblers out there, give them a try i dare you :)


  11. I have one for my own motor sitting and it won't be completed this summer so if you want you can make me a reasonable offer.

    It's a proper low mileage unit sourced by myself for myself.


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