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Everything posted by Bluebear

  2. I am so scared at this moment in time. A good enough reason for NOT going JAE if I ever saw one D:
  3. I have one of these: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pilonidal_sinus. Have fun ^^ Once I've had it, I can't sit down for up to 8 weeks T_T as it can cause the wound to split. 8 weeks of lying in bed, joy. Hopefully, they'll just give me some antibiotics instead of an op.
  4. Well, I don't even know if I can go yet, depends on whether I will still be recovering from an operation I will possibly be having. I shall let you know when I learn more.
  5. ;) Does this mean I have to do you a new sig?
  6. Took the liberty of adding your name down as well, 4EFTE Sol. Hope you don't mind. 1. Rick 2. Mikey Jay 3. Phil (nanglebadger) 4. 59bhp 5. Silo 6. Streetracer_starlet 7. 4EFTE Sol 8. Nick (Bluebear)
  7. Debating on if I should go or not... 265 miles there, 5 hour journey, from Burnley. It'd be soddin' boring.
  8. ^^^ Seconded. If its not too complicated to do, then count me in.
  9. It WAS a shotgun. He was shooting random cars and people while he drove along. ;)
  10. What. Awww come ON! Some farmhouse cheddar with Branston pickled, smooshed in between two slices of Warburtons Thick White Toastie, how can you not like that? I am disapointed.
  11. GAH! *does a Sylar and steals Riko's brain for the GT4 knowledge* Om nom nom
  12. Holy fack. I think I need to talk to my bank! Who are you with, if you dont mind me asking? Sorry for the hijack by the way :x
  13. You've intruiged me good sir. Mind telling me more through the medium of PM's? Can I send my cleaning bill to you? My pants are a bit messy
  14. Meh, I manage to spend all of my student loans T_T What with going down to PR1 and moshing nigh on every Tuesday (thats 20 quid byebye each time), and going to see the gf in Cambridge whenever I can(40-70 quid on travel costs). Not to mention the PC upgrades I've been doing this year(About 400 quid so far :x). Hopefully I'll have a bit more money next year, and get some stuff done to the Bucket. On the list is an SR spoiler I'll be hopefuly getting for 55 quid, and then I should be looking up Toby about some Tein springs. Wont be until the next academic year probs though.
  15. I swear, if I ever get a GT, I will take Ricks and Ecks every single word on these forums as gospel. I seriously want a slagged GT so much. Unwashed for a year, matt black, stone chips everywhere, front bumper being held on by tie-wraps because its been smashed so many times, a random mismatched colour front-quarter panel. The list goes on. Got uni to complete first though
  16. Throw it through your window at Saxos who want to race you?
  17. You'll love the Glanza. Also, I couldn't help but laugh at your name!
  18. Dude, much love. Let's get jiggy wit' it sometime ;D Absolutely loving the Coheed and Cambria at the moment, went to see them on the 2008 Kerrang Tour when they were in Manchester. Coheed + Circa Survive = a gig of pure awesomeness. The Good Apollo I'm Burning Star I've, Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness album (fucking hell, out of breath after typing that...), by Coheed has been lodged in my CD player for ages, alternated with the album On Letting Go by Circa Survive.
  19. Aye, Zero 7 is basically 2 guys doing the music, but they get all sorts of singers in doing the vocals. The song I posted has Jose Gonzales doing vocals.
  20. I don't think theres ever been a music topic gone on so long without Nangle posting? T'is a record, surely! Can't beat a bit of Deftones <3 And for those times when I really want to get going, Dry Kill Logic comes out on top. http://youtube.com/watch?v=W8IT7Ta3Qt4 And, for the times when I feel reaaaallly chilled, some Zero 7 pwns.
  21. o__o Why would they be? It's an Evo-Style bumber FOR an EP91 Not my cup of tea anyway, looks slightly chav, imho.
  22. So, when you guys talk about the Corolla manis, are you talking about both inlet and exhaust? Or just inlet?
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