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Everything posted by Bluebear

  1. Dammit, I need to get my arse on that!
  2. I quite liked the review Valentino! Seemed a tad short and not very in-depth though, but i suspect that might be something to do with being a concept? Enzo: I don't mind helping out a bit, I know some HTML/CSS, and a little bit of Photoshop (I did Idrees and RossSR's sigs if you're wondering). Don't mind helping out with writing too Enzo. Sorry for the hijack Valentino!
  3. What wheels are those? They look nice.
  4. Thats why I put it there. I like to scare the populace of UKSC
  5. Well made up, passed my first year of Computer Games Development! Heard it gets a lot harder next year though, but I do enjoy a challenge. That said, gonna play games a bit less, and do more practice with the good ol' C++ programming. If anyone else has passed their respective uni courses, feel free to celebrate in here!
  6. Just dont get your bumper ripped off before you get there
  7. the Gear in the MGS name possibly?
  8. Aren't these made in Eastern Europe or something? Along with the Pugs and Citroens? (Same car)
  9. Drifting aye? Hope you're good at it, or else there's gonna be a bed in pieces.
  10. 38ppl when i was born, disgusting price now.
  11. Read an article the other day, apparently the US has vast offshore oil fields that they're doing nothing about.
  12. *whiiiiiiiiiiiwhiiiiiiiiiiwhiiiiii* *PING*
  13. Buy that TVR Speed 12 thats floating about, sorted But seriously, if you do get an Ultima, you had better post a build log with piccies on here. I fucking love them.
  14. Lads. You both may have your differences, but.. keep it out fellas? Of of this topic anyway, resort to PMs or something instead. It's not nice seeing strife like this on someone else's topic. Anyway; Mark? I want to sex your car. You best be going JAE. Like others have said, not keen on the HRF kit, but on her, it looks amazing. I think its because everything is so over the top, that it actuall fits in and complements everything. I loves it.
  15. 19, and still named on teh Starlet. I need to sort it out!
  16. Oooh, cheers for this, could be useful, even though I don't really venture near Manchester.
  17. Erm... yeaaah? Interesting leaf there. :S Have I missed something here?
  18. Oh god, I've just realised you're in the North-West. *cries* God save me.
  19. There was also the KP60 Starlet Cup, but thats a different kettle of fish anyway.
  20. ...Is that a 240Z behind the TS Supra there? Or an old Celica?
  21. Really? I head a lot of places are getting moar on Friday, Blockbuster down the road is anyway. Nipping down tomorrow to try and get a deposit on one. Also, I'm the exact same as you Harrison. What pissed me off even more, is a mate of mine was off to try and get it while i was going back home disapointed, and he went to the one fucking place that I never checked, because i thought queues were going to be horrendous. GAME. Apparently there were loads of copies left, and zero queues. Would have gladly paid the 45 quid.
  22. And I know what little beauties you're on about! That Rota wheel is SHOCKING by the way :0 *worridly looks at his Slipstreams*
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