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Everything posted by Bluebear

  1. Oh lawdie. I have no idea what it is, but I want it!!
  2. Also, the older clio would most presumably weigh less than the newer ones? Less options/safety features, etc?
  3. Lols, I only have Forza 2 (just got the 360 two days ago.) I'm not pro AT ALL ^^
  4. TehBluebear, wont be on it all the time though, uni halls network restrictions for the loss. Will get onto Live whenever I take the 360 to the Games Lab (the perks of being a Games Development student ^^), or when i'm at home for the hols. And, Lukey, you migth find this useful if you need to open ports and whatnot on a router: PortForward.com
  5. And from me! Kebabs are lush, srsly, after i've been moshing on a Tuesday night down the local rock club, its a chicken kebab, lashings of garlic and chilli sauce, sorted.
  6. ANd would it have to be done in the car that bears the sticker? Could you have a trackday in whatever car, and then stick the tracks sticker on your car? ^^
  7. 84 quid is ready to go, Rick knows I'm ready. Ready for teh sechs ^^
  8. Awww fuck no! I'm fucking speechless. Your car was one of the mintest Starlets about! I'll chat to you on MSN, when you're on. Hope you get it all sorted! And I hope the wankers that did it get the fucking shit beaten out of them and locked up
  9. I say pics eleven and twenty-nine are best
  10. ;D Are they in good nick like? Contact me over MSN dude
  12. Rick, you sound like a drug dealer " 'Ere, you want a bit of Carbon? I can sort you out proper mate, powder, pills, everything."
  13. Hahah, me too, saying my profile is awesome... Erm.. theres nothing even on it
  14. What does the MS Designs splitter look like anyway?
  15. Does anyone know if its hard to get insured on a KP?
  16. I'm pretty sure this is an actual car. Seem to remember a thread on either here, or TGTT, about a dude who got his front end smashed a bit, and decided to fix it, but do it differently too? Correct me if I'm wrong.
  17. I recognise that car... I think I saw it on TGTT?
  18. As soon as my student maintenance comes through on 1April, I'll be buying a 360 Elite system, the price cut came at the best possible time! PS3.... I don't know about them... Still seem a tad overpriced. And as Marc said, the XBL online community seems to be better. Still, I suppose the PS3 has been out for a much shorter amount of time than the 360.
  19. lol pendulum just been listening to it tonight, yes i am drunk wooo
  20. Have a good time! Hope you get some big 'uns!
  21. Oooh, be sure to let us know what you can do! I'd be interested too ^^
  22. Anyone see the new Lexus LF-A Roadster? Not sure about back end, but front looks stunning.
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