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Everything posted by minxy

  1. JM imports: http://www.jm-imports.co.uk/ I've got a couple of mates who've bought cars from this bloke everyone i know highly highly recommends him.
  2. Hey, am quiote interested but the money your talking about seems a bit steep. We went in May this year and nobody took more than £500, we stayed in apartments which were brand new right oposite the rin, just up form the mazda garage. Also why are you getting that ferry we went form dover to calais and got dirve all teh roads and autoBahns. I don't mean to sound patronising in the slightest akm just interested in your choices as its something we are thinking of organising again..
  3. I really don't understand why everyone is tearing in to this bloke about him paying a lot of insurance for a non turbo car. So what? Doesn't everyone make choices in life and learn from their mistakes? Glanza S's are few and far around, i was lookign at getting one and it hard to even find one for sale. Atleast he has something in life that he puts all his money in to, better than going out getting wrecked on Booze every weekend or taking drugs or whatever
  4. I've got a little N/a at the moment. I recently rang up for quotes on a Glanza S & V and the majority of insurance companies won't touch anyone under 19 on an imported vehicle. So roll on May and the S is going to be being bought!!
  5. Anyone else heading up there?
  6. minxy


    I agree with some of the others, I think the MAJORITY of tatoos looks disgusting on girls. I have a friends who has 3 little stars on the top of her foot they go from big to small and aren't filled and are v.discreet. I just couldn't do it as when you get old and your skin sags you'll look like a twat!
  7. I'm the same lock my doors at night when i'm on my own or with girlie mates, specially at traffic lights. I had a bloke stop way behind me a few months back he jumped out his car witha metal bar and came running towards me so i went through the reds. I hadn't overtaken him or done anything stupid to him. Its bad what this country is becoming!
  8. Happy birthday Honey!! Have a great one!! K xx
  9. I went to Xsport Racing yesterday with my mate who is organising this, teh place is wicked and the had some proper mint cars up there. It sounds like it's going to be a cracking night, there a little Drift/Burnout Arena planned and Samco keyrings on sale all of which goes to Face Us charity. There is also a convoy from Winchester which most of you won't fancy driving all that way to drive back but just incase! I'm going up there for some giggles in a big convoy. it'd be great to see some of you there we've got to keep these cruises going as they are all dying! Fast car have booked a photog
  10. minxy


    My blokes still got teh case and actual flare in his V
  11. You need to get quotes with mod though don't you? You put a post about alloy wheels etc? If i was you i'd get realistic & truthful quotes and look around a lot more as you may find you can't afford to buy, insure, tax and run it.
  12. I wouldn't go above a 15" i think they are perfect the bigger wheels will just make handling worse and look gash. From the handling side of things you don't want to have a first car that handles like shite as it won't last long.
  13. You seem to think that there would be starlets everywhere?? Bit naive if you ask me. They aren't common cars at the best of times. The newest, correct me if i am wrong anyone, i think is on an S reg. This means that all are atleats 10 years old. The fact you are searching for a specific model which is slightly more desirable then some means it will be yet harder to find. Mayeb a wake up call would be good?!
  14. I live by meg Gold class. coupled with xymol shampoo - it smells good too!!!
  15. 750 with provisional isn't bad but £1750 with full licence is awful - Have you declared any mods? What insurance companies have you had quotes from? Is this the best one?
  16. Hope you have a great time! I went in may, i'm still wishing now that i was back there. The place is just awesome. Words don't really cover it tbh!
  17. I bought my starlet when i was 16 for the same reaosn. the price of drivings lessons these days are shocking, most young people can't afford to bhuy a car and pay for lessons at the same time. I'd personally recommend getting your car early it give you time to make it more your own and means when you are 17 you can have as much practice as you want. The only problem is you get impatient looking at it everyday, it did me good though i passed on 10 hours of lessons!
  18. Here's my story... It started off with me looking for a firstcar, it had to be reasonably small, easy to drive, nice looking, cheap-ish to run and it was not allowed to be anything that wasn't jap according to my boyfriend of the time who had an rx7so that meant pugs, saxo's, corsa's etc out the window, thankfully! So i therefore ended up buying an eg civic shortly after my 16th birthday. The civic was a lsi which had had an engine conversion to the 1.6vtec lump, i picked it up for next to nothing. I then decided that it was a pretty stupid idea 1. because it wasn't the easiest to drive 2
  19. I think its more worthwhile to spend what you woudl on paint on uprating parts. Much more fun to be had and doesn't make it look like a gashed up saxo
  20. I think that shape yaris is nasty, I like the ideas but think they'd have been better on the latest shape
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