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Everything posted by Dave@TM-Developments.com

  1. I must admit I thought a community such as this would look out for fellow members but maybe not............. Having said that the car is an absolute mess, god knows how it passed an MOT with headlights that float about in the wind and had it been involved in "another" accident the front end would have collapsed. A decent MOT tester would have laughed at that when it pulled in. The moral here is very much buyer beware, all may not be as it seeems!!!
  2. And it would never pass an mot in the state its in, the headlights are loose as the baskets have been mullered to fit the I/C pipes
  3. Not being funny but I have seen the car and its a disgrace to sell that to anyone! Within 10 minutes of walking round it I had noticed many things wrong/bodged, really nasty. I cannot believe that someone that "knows" so much bout these cars, sells many and sells turbo's, could not possibly know. Its so obvious. I really feel for you daryl
  4. The TD0516g will start to spool at approx 3500 and reach full boost(1.5-2.0 bar) 4500-4700. This will all depend on head work and cams used. The TD06 gives 24hours notice of any boost . On a serious note Ricks car (5e), he has full boost late fives I believe
  5. When I overtake him the exhaust flame cuts the dirt off
  6. You've put a lot of work and thought into the car Rick and hell has it paid off!. Best Glanza I have seen by a mile
  7. Both you and Rick have your orders to come up here as you keep threatening
  8. Nice to see you again Rick and the few other "stragglers", shame you got turfed out 5 mins before we got there. Enjoyed the Run back Rick, that was a bit spesh!
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