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Everything posted by Dave@TM-Developments.com

  1. Head bolts in stock, the tool is on Ebay for about £6
  2. I did........... And you get get a good secondhand set of Rotas for £200, like I said, compare like for like New Volks are circa £700/set
  3. New Te37,s for £350 ish?
  4. Come on, you can't get new Volks for the price of new Rotas, at least compare like for like ;)
  5. We have the original "Forced" intercooler on our car, with the sharp bends off the intercooler. Doing a grand job at 320bhp and cooling very well. When the angled bends were mentioned to our mapper he did remark what a total crock of shit people give as advice. You will do well to slow down a charge of air with 1bar pressure behind it!! We purposely fitted one of these kit to our car as people slated them and we won't be changing it as it works a treat
  6. Will be here this week Chris or have Power Enterpise in stock which IMO is better
  7. Unfortunately being discontinued, have a few left in stock
  8. 1144 are a fast road pad, 1155 are track pads
  9. Glad you're please with Craig, look after it mate
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