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Everything posted by SpeedFreak

  1. That Nova brings back memories of having mine! And you don't find many like yours that are that clean now a days! Surpa is way OTT for me, but your Glanza looks sweet!
  2. We have one like that here in Norfolk. Although, me and some mates used to just go on base with our American friends and use there garages, soo cheap!!
  3. If I wanted something done, could u show me a rough idea of what it looked like before I had it for defo? Thanks
  4. I agree with you on this. And I think alot of people get irritated by text speak, because I am sure we had a discussion about this a few months back. On a forum I used to use, they had like a filter that blocked out or changed text speak and swear words into another more acceptable word. I don't know if this is something you can have on all forums, so I guess Geo would have to look into it if he was wanting to do it. Maybe it's just worth the mods saying something on the QT to the people that tend to use text speak?
  5. Other than every one being really friendly, I would say the information side of the site is really good too! Not alot of other sites I have been on tended to have much relating to information. I dont know if that's because with car clubs that are a general club, and not specific to one make, that they don't tend to feel they need information in specific areas. But I like that I could come on here, and search through technifcal section and almost always get some help. I would say a gallery would be good like Galliano pointed out. I know we have a rides section, but I think it would be good
  6. *This was sent from Thomas Cook Holidays - listing some of the British guests' complaints during the season. (Survey by Thomas Cook and ABTA)* "I think it should be explained in the brochure that the local store does not sell proper biscuits like custard creams or ginger nuts." "It's lazy of the local shopkeepers to close in the afternoons. I often needed to buy things during 'siesta' time - this should be banned." "On my holiday to Goa in India , I was disgusted to find that almost every restaurant served curry. I don't like spicy food at all." "We booked an excursion to a water park
  7. Yeah...there were 15 of them...didn't you get that part?? Rug muncher..
  8. Lazy arse! Added the link!!
  9. I dunno if any of you guys have ever seen this site. But thought I would post it as it's got some well random and funny shit on it! Take a look! http://www.oddee.com/
  10. Worked friday but went out working on the car fitting my new seats afterwards so caught some of the sun! Spent Saturday chilling in the garden, sunbathing! Sunday - went to the beach for a few hours. Went home to get warmer clothes and then back to another beach to play crazy golf and cruised about for a bit! Monday - back to work....hate it! I sit right next to the window where it makes me jealous being stuck in doors!! But thats enough about the weather, more about the lesbians! I am guessing by the sounds of it, that most of them were rather more manly than you have hoped for then??? LOL
  11. I love this topic! You guys are fooked up but very entertaining! I will never need to think for myself ever again!
  12. God he is gorgeous! Glad he's learnt to behave now! I love that he looks like he just about fits on the sofa!
  13. Ha ha, I was only joking!
  14. My light has blown thats behind the Speedo, and I really need to get it changed. Does any body know what type of bulb this is, and where is best to get them from? Also, how easy/hard is it to pull out the clocks to fit it? Is it simply plug in and it works? Thanks Stace
  15. Ha ha ^^ Numpty!! I think you need to start a whole new thread on revenge ideas!
  16. I have to agree! Surely something can be done if they keep doing things. If it's one off then they wouldn't get involved. But I am sure it's classed as harrassment!
  17. Congrats! Sparky - You would say that...14000 + posts! You defo have too much to talk about!
  18. You need anger management! I know who I will be calling if I ever need revenge!
  19. Again speaking sensibly, I think you would be best to speak to some of your neighbours and ask them if they have noticed the issue. If they have, then ring the police and make a complaint. If they don't do anything to start with, then start making notes of when everything happens and ask your neighbours to do the same. Then take the info to your council and they should be able to refer it to the police. God I hate little sods that do that sort of thing. We used to have some idiot in a 1litre Corsa that used to just drive round our block revving up all the time. Was very annoying!
  20. Your car looks like mine did when I first got it minus my the stickers....looks good!
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