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Blue Icarian Wings

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Everything posted by Blue Icarian Wings

  1. 100 mile round trip with a 1min break yippie!, the new back speaker do make it a lot more enjoyable thou! Pic of said JVC 6x9's through rear passenger window We drilled a hole through the rear-most (boot) interior panel nearest to where the speaker wires came off the loom and put a gromit in the hole before passing the wires through (looks a lot better than a simple hole of it appearing out of a join) notice also the standard Toyota plug has been removed and four wire connector crimp things attached I forgot to take a pic on the day, so I've just grabbed one but as it dark the camera can
  2. I'm always careful with my door, paranoid about it snapping off at the hinges, glad to see my fear if not quite directed in the right is at least correctish That is a bummer, sure you can de-bend/get a new runner and spot weld it, those two bolts nearby might give you the option for a bracket of some sort to hold one end
  3. Hey Joz look what I found! Took a lot of pics, not all of the best quality, I think my uncle was enjoying ripping the panels out just a little too much,.... More pics later, I'm off to bed got to get the parents to the airport for 5am, lucky me!
  4. Arseholes, I mean whats the point?
  5. Nice looking, whats the black bit on the passenger side front bumper?
  6. Not got a nickname in real life, but I use Wings online (Well I use Blue Icarian Wings every where so if you see one chances are it's me, but Wings is shorter!)
  7. I got it caked after a trip down south over XMas had it through the car wash as soon as I was back in town and off the motorways, I should probably take it through again though
  8. Had a peak at the wiring, now know what I actually have back there, would need a red blub, but thats no problem Finally got the clear lights, took a lot of photos doing it so will have to write it all up at some point, hopefully should wander out into the country at somepoint and get some good photos in the meantime heres a quick one I took, dads car in the foreground
  9. All you lucky people who get them cheap, and if you want to polish some bodywork shelly, don't let me stop you! Must go update me car thread now, got the new headlights on too!
  10. Some people don't have the brains to realise the danger they cause (and without trying to sound like your parents should you really have been racing )
  11. How about one or two of these people use them to hang off cliffs, and the screw guards mean you can lock them.
  12. I have wind deflectors, now now do I get them on my car without snapping them? there the ones off e-bay Edit: Job done piccy's later if you want But now for a bonus question, Although bought from some guy in Germany where did the wind deflectors themselves come from? Answers on a postcard to the usual address
  13. But I've only just got intrested Time to contact your local mp, mind you unles you got 100k to 'lend' Labour dunno how much it'll help,..
  14. I want the rev counter in my cluster, keep it all neater, gonna have a search and see what other breakers I can find near me @Enzo I'm gonna keep looking for a new mani as I want to find a new cluster anyway, but if I've not got one by the time yours comes out, I'll have it, if Nanglebadger doesn't move fast enough to beat me to it
  15. I've got an uncle who does recovery for rallies, knows alot about wiring up car radios (ICE and comms) so next saturday I should be getting them thrown in I'm going to use the existing loom with some computer power plugs so I can unplug and remove the parcel shelf if I need to. When I know more about ICE stuff and should I ever do a proper install I'll re-wire but for now I'll use the existing to make it easier. I'll take a load of pic's, get it documentated properly
  16. dunno if this will be any help at all, but ebay uk has 4 listings for 3 different types of towbar Click Me!
  17. Just been not a single corolla or starlet in stock, more or less what I expected but still disapointed
  18. That is unlucky, I know how useless I felt when the side of my face was numbed up for a few hours after a filling, how it clears up asap
  19. Reading around here people have got em for £30-60, so let me know what your willing to pay and I'll won't go above Edit: Would I be right in thinking that the SR version of the starlet came with a rev counter in it's cluster? and should I be able to get my hands on one, would it be a simpe swap for my current cluster?
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