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Blue Icarian Wings

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Everything posted by Blue Icarian Wings

  1. Some people! I think he just about ticks all the 'shouldn't be driving' boxes
  2. On monday I should be going to my local car breakers (not a jap specialist) to see if they have one of those corolla mani's if they should by some miracle have more than one, would anybody want me to get it for them? I live in Preston, which is in the northwest of England, nearish to Blackpool and Manchester, can't really be bothered to work out postage but if your nice I may! Also what year range was the corolla I'm looking for produced in? People mention the bug-eyed corolla is that the only one thats got what I need?
  3. I've just got some rear speakers myself, doing a bit of googling, and found a post on the australia version of the toyota owners fourm that claims if the car didn't come with rear speakers, then the cable won't be there,..... Does anybody know if this is the truth or not? I'm with Joz, removing the step-in panel doesn't reveal any screws, it needs to removed anyway as it clips onto the rear passenger panel, is it a case of undo screws at rear and pivot it out? has anybody else tried to remove this panel?
  4. Thanks for the number, reading that thread it doesn't sound like too much hassle to fit the new lenses, but how well do they line up underneath? I want to avoid a light-leak effect, also as I currenlty only have a reverse light on the left I'd have to sort out one on the right (what is on the right is it a fog light?) Would it just be a case of,...... 1) fit new lense 2) fit new reverse bulb on right 3) unplug fog lamp lead (presume it's a fog lamp on the right), plug in right revsere lead I'll go have a look for myself now at the leads, but if you can fill me in on the rest I might have to
  5. You car makes me want to touch myself I really like what you've done, the bonnet, sidestrips, door mirrors and door handles, the all blue makes it look great (adds to own list of stuff to-do) and it's a nice colour of blue too! Great work dude Any idea how much chopping is needed to fit the carats?
  6. Don't think I'll be buying from america, item + postage + import tax + vat = me selling my body on streetcorners, I think the blue magnecor's from starletgtturbo.co.uk will have to do The filter sounds good, but I'm gonna get the new mani before I buy one, just so I can appreciate it better (that and sorting the lights is being expensive!)
  7. You got yourself a nice looking mode of transport, I like it!
  8. @BlackTarw I know that exist, but I want a Starlet modding wiki (it's what the world needs!) You gonna PM me too now Enzo?
  9. Crystal lights ordered weds morning should have my hands on them by fri! Got the radiator and coolant bottle brackets as well, now gimmie hints on how to paint them shiny blue! I know you can get spray paint from hombase that's good for metal and plastic, but know from experience the paint comes off a bit to easy (would need to get the spray varnish this time too!), how do you rabble paint your engine bits?, and where would I get some suitable nuts and bolts that won't rust to death? @Enzo I seen the thread, I want to avoid the 'light leak effect' and fanced the one with two clear strips(4)
  10. If you don't know what a wiki, check out Wikipedia it's an online encyclopaedia, a quick description is that a wiki is an way to organise information that can be edited by everybody Imagine, if you could combine the part numbers and FAQ forums, organise them in sections, and edit other peoples post (got another partnumber for that bit, a tip for the existing fitting guide), thats a wiki The best [wiki software] around isMediaWiki (it's free too!) I think a wiki to organise and centralise all starlet info would be great, and as it would user maintained it'd save a lot of time for site mainta
  11. Happy B'day, just under halfway to your free buspass!
  12. As Enzo requested, here it is I don't have many photos of me, and most are blurred or I've got me eyes closed, this ones from last weekend I've got a lovely one of me, the girlfirend, my sister and my mum, but I look like I'm about to start a fight with the person holding the camra!
  13. That should save me 20mins of figuring a toyota puzzle out, it's also the kind of info I'd like to see, I'll have a go at getting some guides written I do like the front look, didn't realise you'd done the lower grills too, I'm gonna have to do em too! (the lower grille stands out a bit more so I'll need to figure out how to smooth that) Gonna get my damaged lights sorted first thou On that note would these lights be ok for my Starlet? (from fensport) I don't have any lights around my number plate so was woundering if I'd still have all the lights I should legally have
  14. I love your engine bay, the matching ignition leads are a nice touch, I think they sell lengths of tubing in halfords (I've seen some blue stuff thats thats similar to the washer tubing), grab some of that to replace that stock black stuff. That JDM mani is beauty, definatly on my shopping list! Nice wheels, the car lines are smoother without the bum strips, I'm unsure weather to paint or remove mine,..... Your a bit ahead of me but I'll catch you!
  15. I want to keep the insurance valid, no sense in pay a lot for something if it's no use!, but if my car will get less attension from them I'll try not to panic over it too much, (that mani? came with the car, it's official toyota whats the problem? ) I've got an alarm fitted now, (£199.97!), no point waiting till after my cars been stolen,... Central remote locking Internal motion sensors Push sensors on the boot and bonnet (so if anyone tries to steal my dented bonnet or rusty engine bits they better think twice! ) The only probs are the bonnet sensor goes through where the driver
  16. You need a Halfords that stocks more of the Ripspeed parts, on the main page of the halfords site, put Edinburgh in the store locator and it'll give you all the stores, by the look of it your place has loads of them. Within halfords I found the blubs in a glass case (find a bored looking shop hand to open it for you!), the codes are somewhere else on this site, but the ther's only type of side repeater bulb, and for the indicator just make sure you get the one with pins on the opposite sides, not with them offset
  17. You got the right wiring harness, plugged in the right way? Sounds like some kind of logic puzzle,......
  18. I don't know much about cars, and less about turbo systems, but the dump valve releases excess pressure doesn't it?, so no valve = no release = build up of pressure If understand what I've read somewhere the pressure release stops air being forced back (the wrong way) through the turbo, preventing stress and damage to the bearings I could be wrong, ask someone who knows more!
  19. Thanks gotta start somewhere, and insurance says no to the good bits, so cheap tat will have to do! Just need to convince myself fully now!
  20. Thanks for the advice guys, clear lights on the to-do list, would be on the top but!,.... Current source of distraction I really want to sort my bonnet, I quite fancy a carbon fibre bonnet, dunno when the chance will come around again for a cheap one. I don't need the scoop, this'll probably put me in the more show than go category. What do lot think I should do?
  21. I think a non-forum section that contained, the guides, parts numbers(and any of those part number diagrams), shop links and primers on car parts would be useful. So any easy to use section, organised with a lot of info would be great, and would help would-be modders get into modding quicker (and better). Until a few weeks ago my reaction on opening the bonnet was what the fuck is all that stuff?! so don't think any info is insignificant, this site has been great but I do feel a bit silly asking questions that are simple for everybody else
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