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Blue Icarian Wings

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Everything posted by Blue Icarian Wings

  1. Dig out the manual, figure out where the front fog switch is, hunt around that area
  2. Him, whatever the lowest was, the step-skirts and the snow-plough you can see the metal-work, ugh (I love the way people slap big see-through kits on but forget the little touches, like the indicators ) Gave you a ten, I don't like the look of those cars, but for 5 secs of my time in passing, what does it matter
  3. I presumed it was for front fogs. I can't thing of anything else really
  4. Thanks a lot guys, you made her all shy and blushy She really likes the comments It's chocolate inside! It is a starlet! As it was a bit of a rush job, the cake was still a bit warm so it crumbled when she tried to carve it into shape. Next time it'll be left to cool so that it can be made curvy at the back and slope forward at a better angle for the windscreen. The next attempt with have better timing, so should come out better She should probably have one ready for JAE if you'd like some (and come on other stands might have turbo'd big engined expensive cars, but will they have cake
  5. Good man, if it lights up fine without the old faces, the g/f will probably have another go
  6. Would the TTE people still have the mold? or the plans for it? just an idea really
  7. Landy's rock, my uncle has two, does off road with one, off road recovery with the other, the 4x4 I see are the jacked BMW and porsche's wouldn't know a country if it hit them, and they have HID's right at eye-level cunts Bad luck on that Mikey, good luck on not ramming into any though I suppose!
  8. Hi, this is Wings' GF he thought you might appreciate some pics of his new car: So I guess the answer to that question is YES (especially as its chocolate cake...) Over the easter weekend he foolishly mentioned about me making a cake for JAE, being in somewhat of a holiday mood I said "ooh Ive never made a car cake" and then proceeded to make a tester..of course having never made one before I thought Id do it properly, so I made the Fondant Icing, the buttercream and the cake...and then whoops forgot that I was supposed to be up at 6am the next day for work...and the cake had to cool before
  9. A printshop might be able to do it, the three dials will fit on a single sheet
  10. Yup, clear indicators a must, look in the parts sections for a part number to get them from toyota
  11. Paseo clock faces should fit and their white (same cluster as SR so should be fine for a conversion job too)
  12. And LO! did the Part numbers section provide a thread, and it was a good thread for it was full of pics and part numbers You could just grab a similar looking civic splitter instead
  13. I thought you were allowed a little overlap, I want something for around the mirror, the sun always seems to avoid the shades and sneak through that gap,....
  14. I've fallen across some stuff might be of use to you I'll see if I can dig it up again The flow capability of the pipe should match the core, use mandrel bends, if you don't use larger pipes at bends to avoid decrease in air flow/speed PM'd
  15. When you say photo paper, do you mean the stuff like from jessops, or just high qual. a4 paper. How well did the light show through? What program did you use to print them on caus mine arent the right size, the windows thing just wants to crop it..... Cheers It's labelled 'Glossy Inkjet Photo Paper' and has Stationary Box written on it, so own brand shiny stuff As the needle was sticky (in hind-sight I could of made the centre hole bigger so the needle centre cover wasn't dragging, the edges might need holding down also, to prevent the edges warping up) I just took them off so don't know h
  16. To quote my mother 'you looked like a man' ie not very well at all! It's a sticky in How 2's and FAQ's Tips 1. Undo the top screw (soft metal, but it's a hex head so I recommend to use a socket instead of a screwdriver), then the two bottom ones (long screwdriver) this gives a bit of play so you can take off the clear cover and the plastic binnacle (as one). Bring that bit forward rotating it upside down as you take it out the hole, makes it easy to remove that bit 2. Plugs, finger on top to push the clip down wiggle them side to side (using the plug or wires) to get them out 3. Speedo c
  17. The ones the g/f made caused the rev needle to stick, the photopaper may of been a bit thick, however we did just put over the existing faces. I also highly recommend you do a test draft print to make sure their the right size before you use photopaper
  18. Knowledge is power, fore-warned is fore-armed and all that Also if you want tips on how-to get the clocks out in under 1/2hr, with no scratches to your hands let me know. It can be done quite easy when you've got the knack, first time I tried it took all afternoon to get them out, and I bled!
  19. Well,............ dig out Miracle's wiring conversion guide If the wire in C5 is black and yellow, the car didn't need any rewiring for the clocks to work and you have a cable for the fuel light (according to Miracle's guide). This was the case in my Solida, but the light has never come on, I've been down to the white line at the bottom once, but never below so I don't know if it works on a Solida->SR conversion, but I'd hazard a guess of yes. However anything else (blank or different) and the car has been rewired (wire ends in the plugs moved around), in the case of rewiring I'd suggest
  20. Good lord, you have been busy The result is gonna look good
  21. Oh God, now I'm gonna feel really guilty if I don't do a proper write up at some point! , but it's great you've put some of my bits on the front page Still gotta sort that fuel needle, but it's gone all cold and rainy outside, ugh
  22. Isn't there two kinds? boot and clip or something like that, can't quite remember sorry
  23. Shorter rods + offset grind? (reduce the thickness, but only on the inside of the crank, top of the cylinder head goes further down) Interesting arm-rest, hollow or any thing interesting hid inside?
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