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Everything posted by STEVO9000

  1. I was tempted at getting one of these later in the year and doing a bit of work to it, but the high mileage and the fact that their 2.0 with just under 160bhp kinda put me off lol. Looking at the specs, my Paseo could probably keep up lol
  2. JDM-Rogues ftmfw y0! haha, I would say that, I'm on the staff team haha. I will be there, shall have to clean the car on Friday lol
  3. Been back on the road for ages, was only off the road for a week and a half, was driving it around with a dented/fillered quarter for about a month or so till it was ready for paint, all done now though.
  4. Cool, what you can find sometimes is if the filler is overlaying paint, once its sprayed the paint can run under the filler and raise it out a bit, happened to me before when i did my old wing.
  5. You need to key back the surrounding paint to bare metal first mate, would've been better if you did that with the filler area too, but you should be ok. Filler work is time consuming and hard, I've just finished doing my quarter, its no where near perfect, but looks a lot better than it is, but I'm changing cars toward the end of the year hopefully so I wont worry about getting it redone perfectly lol
  6. Nowt wrong with OBX. Mines been on there for about 6,000 miles now, and not a problem with it, its quite strong and well made.
  7. I have the 5efe mani, no downpipe though, as it was butchered to get my cat and lamda off at that was almost seized in lol. I can lend the mani if needed, but will need it back.
  8. Sweet, gotta love those tunnels Shame I couldnt get there the other day. Tunnel runs are awesome, we did a run last year was about 25 cars, the noise in the tunnels was amazing! Japfest convoy last year through newport tunnels was sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
  9. Well if it has been. It needs to be done again! lol
  10. Mate, that is amazing. You wanna get that featured in a mag, get it the appreciation it deserves You run 1/4 mile in it at all? Be interesting to see what times it brings back
  11. Snowing by me again, started about half hour ago, is sticking like mad and the roads are already a nightmare. Especially mine. I gotta leave for work at 11 because my store managed to open this morning but I gotta see what its like when I come to leave, so I hope it belts it down haha
  12. At a guess, with such low figures to everyone else, its either overfueling, or its a case of heavy foot syndrome lol
  13. Thats shocking. Damn right he should refund you for that, hope you get your money back for them mate, whichever way you go about it. You can blatantly tell those have been cut and for him to lie to you point blank about them not being cut when any person could see they are is down right disgusting!
  14. Really? Thought they'd be the same as the Paseo tanks, their 40 litre.
  15. I work in a retail park, but I know the security boys well, they'd probably laugh if I did it, or ask me to take them in the car at the same time lol
  16. haha, so tempted to take my car out and do that now, im having new tyres tomorrow anyway, could take it on the field opposite my house LOL dont think the neighbourhood would be too impressed though haha
  17. Coming along nicely now dude. Looking forward to seeing it up and running turbo styleeeeeeeeeeee
  18. Ummm........... 8, possibly 9 mate.
  19. I didnt even check the clutch when we split the box off it mate lol It looked fairly standard from what I could see on the outside.
  20. Calm down then :harhar: Was crappy weather last night too, cold and damp, hopefully it will warm up a little by the end of feb, plus we're going in daylight lol
  21. We're on a run up through the Black Mountain on Saturday dude. And Sunday morning, I dont think any of us will be in a fit state to drive till at least lunch time lol
  22. We might be able to make it on the Sunday. Cant 100% confirm as we're going out on the lash the night before and most people will be travelling home Sunday
  23. He knows its there, the appointment is booked as a filling not as a check up
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