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Everything posted by Alena

  1. i think it looks much tidier without them, but keeping it different is good. ;)
  2. colour scheme it with whatever car you decide to have on it ;) that's all i can think of at the moment lol
  3. ;) i know this isn't strictly car-related, but i'm having a few problems with the html/css coding for a website i need done for school and i was wondering if anyone here knows about iframes and such?
  4. i got worried when i read the post title! thought something happened lol. have a great time!
  5. i think you might have to ask a mod to do it but i'm not sure.
  6. yeah that's the thing, it looks so different. jap kits are nice but you have to face the fact that everyone wants their car to look as japanese as possible so you do get quite a few very similar cars driving around. that one is definitely a break from the norm!
  7. i think you should do it to match the whole colour of the car, the more simple it is the nicer it looks. although something along the lines of this pic \/ looks nice
  8. bleh @ the last one posted.... looks like a "roadster" type of thing for people who think that because a car looks sporty then it's fast. although the headlights are nice, and separate details are nice by themselves, i don't rate the whole thing altogether.
  9. i really don't like that, the old ones were far better. then again, i probably wouldn't turn it down ;)
  10. i do like that, looks awesome! certainly different. i'd drive it ;)
  11. Alena


    that's pretty ;) lol nah i do like it, looks quite cool.
  12. haha! @ ecksjay to mark: sorry to hear about that, hope someone finds them! then we'll all come over and beat him/her lol. i hate pikeys i agree with bourkey as well. i'm gonna have motion sensors and stuff.
  13. i don't know if you'll even get insured on a turbo... i did a quote on the internet for a laugh and everyone pretty much said they wouldn't do it.
  14. Alena


    hello and welcome
  15. it depends on where you live i suppose, round here they HATE any car that isn't bog standard. or maybe it's the medway attitude
  16. and... if you dont like the look of them, you can get them to look like a glanza!
  17. yeah but looks are just the start, once you get in the car and drive it, you can feel the potential
  18. Haha just thought i'd share what i saw the other week: where i live, theres 2 car dealers opposite each other downtown, one is a big standard astra, corsa, mondeo, etc dealer and the one across the road is a much smaller import one, it has skylines, glanzas etc in it. i was walking past and i saw a woman standing in the shitty dealership looking at the cars, then she looked across the road and saw a skyline for 6 grand (she was standing next to a rover or something for the same price), looked back at where she was standing, then looked across the road again and crossed over! lol just made me
  19. but i think it can also safely be said that they really do over-react sometimes, as in the amount of times people on this forum get pulled just to have an insurance/license check done so they can report doing something during their duty rather than catch real criminals. true story.
  20. Alena


    the orange is nice.
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