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Everything posted by DaMaGe

  1. Whats up with TGTT.com cant use my username and password. Plus is it true you have to pay to be a member now on the site ? Doubt I'll be registering if it is especially if its alot. Regards, Daniel
  2. Will see you guys on fri than !! Hopefully will be staying till saturday and this time im bringing another maltese mate of mine with me
  3. Will the show be open for the day goers on friday the 20th ?? If yes at what time will it be open ? Regards, Daniel
  4. Thought I'd try posting it on this forum after trying else and as always the usual bs comes up... Yesterday had a chance to try my car out with the Blitz K24. Was quite pleased running 13psi managed a 13.21. Need to improve the 60ft though as wasnt quite please with it. Will easily get high 12s with a good 60ft. Still running stock manifold aswell and stock ecu with a pressure regulator. Soon setting it up with the Emanage. What times did you guys running K24 get ? I know Ben did a 13.4 but I dont know at what mph and boost. If you can reply here would be awesome mate. Also if anyone else t
  5. Yeah but soon gettin a Jam or Sard Manifold for my baby. Car is insanely fast at just 0.8bar. Hopefully next week will have the fmic on the car and finished running it in and will boost it to 1.2bar
  6. Minimum 300bhp. Just took the car out for a ride ... first time in it. Initial expression .... fastest car I've ever driven up to now. Results: Porsche 911 wanted to have a little race ... I'm just revving till 4000rpm and I couldn't see the guy anymore PS. Maximum power is around 6600rpm
  7. Thanks for the comments bout my engine and site @ SiCaln - the offer is always open mate but give me a chance to really complete mine. Here is a pic of the engine and turbo together Engine running sweetly on the stock injectors but unfortunetly the 360cc seems to have gone bust and need to wait until I either get the 360cc sorted or some new injectors. Dying to try it out well. Not cause its mine .. but from the side with the bonnet open it looks like a track prepared savage. Will get some pics of the outside very soon. PS. stock manifold will soon be replaced with the JAM plus a nice B
  8. Yeah I just hope the turbo holds well at that boost cause thats my main worry...
  9. NEW Blitz K24 with a polished housing Boost ... 1.8 bar when the emanage ultimate, jam manifold and 550cc injectors arrive
  10. Some latest pics of my project... soon to be on the road Let me know what you think guys
  11. Yeah from work it isnt a problem. The prob is when I'm at home ;)
  12. At work it was working for me but it home it isnt ;)
  13. Is TGTT down again guys ? Cant see it anymore... not even with my new account...
  14. If I end up having to use the new account will tell macker to delete my other account .. change the username of the new account to Damage and make the post number to how the old one was. I want to get those 10000posts looool
  15. I used another email address I had to create a new one
  16. I created a new account and now its working for me
  17. I did that Jay but still hadthe same problem Thanks for posting that Shelly I hope Macker sorts it out
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