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Everything posted by birdmandan

  1. ohh my god!! this has actually just made my day, even though my engine has broke, i am now happy because of this vid Thanks!
  2. yeah thats wat im thinking.. So i wouldnt need a map or anything more than standard management to run the forged lump, as this is what im thinking. i would have to get a small loan but i think in the long run in would be well worth! As you because i know there would be no limit at 200BHP lol which means i can push big booost All options though im not too sure yet... depends how much i can get a forged lump for really... @drongo: thanks
  3. Yeah man i know exactly how you must have felt not nice is it man But yeah i have found an engine but i have not paid for it yet.. decided to hold back for a second.. And was thinking maybe get a forged lump dropped in there... :/ not too sure really, would i see any gains with a forged lump running standard everythingn apart from exhaust? Dan
  4. cheers guys for help once again, i have managed to grab an engine off ebay lol off what seems a legit company, also rang Nick@ TD just to see what he thought and he said yeah all seems okay! Also i must say he is a properly Good guy! After i called him for advice he even went off his own back and was helping me source an engine so massive thanks to him also! Dan
  5. Man that is a bit of a predicament to be in man hope you manage to get that sorted too bro! And thanks for the good luck wishes!! Dan
  6. Yeah i am signed up on there just oday thanks chan Just trawling through the masses of forums lol! So thanks for the tip Yeah ryan thanks again for the link i will check that out and also i have been out of work for 3 months also lol it really sucks!
  7. Yeah i think i will have to, my main problem is that i only have around 800 quid for engine and fitting lol and the engine swap is gonna cost me 300 so yeah its gonna have to be one hell of a bargain buy aint it Just a real shame that this sort of thing happens when im strapped for cash man by the way Thanks very much for your input so far guys all help is appreciated!! Thanks chan, Yeah thats what i was thinking, just money restricts me! P.S. Nice Conversion you have done!! Dan
  8. Cheers ryan i have been looking on ebay but would it be safe would you think? just a bit scared about getting it and it now Running for more than 5 miles before it blows up on me, resulting in an epic loss of money Dan
  9. I know man it really sucks!! They come up on Ebay but im a bit skeptical about getting one off there, would rather get one from within the community where i k now it will definately run properly...
  10. Thanks Luke mate, its proving kinda hard already. doesnt seem to be any up for sale in the Parts for sale section Dan
  11. So yeah guys on saturday morning, i set off to take my Glanza to see a toyota turbo specialist and then after 7 miles of drivign my car cuts out smoothly (as if there was no oil presssure) :/ and i restart the engine once rolled into a carpark safely... And then it sounds like a midget is sat inside the block with a hammer, Anyway long story short i got a phonecal this morning from my mechanic and he informs me that the bottom end is gone and that he suspects the crank. Anyway i have decided to just Try and hunt down a second hand 4-EFTE and then swap it over, then over the year i will event
  12. Hmmm ill keep that in mind, Cheers Ryan, Wonder how baffled these are....
  13. Hey guys, recently i have had a full stainless steel 2.5" system on my car with no backbox at all, Just a little cherry bomb at the end with a tip welded on. I have decided thats its starting to do my head in with loudness.. So i am thinking about getting a nice little backbox on there to quiet it down a bit and give it some tone.. So i guess im asking if anyone has any vids of there GT's or Glanza's with the same setup as me but with a backbox on. If you could also state what box is on there it would be awsome Thanks guys in advance for your replies!! Dan x
  14. Yeah my bro thinks it may be tappets, how much are these to replace matey? also would it be a hard job, like something i could do myself or would it be best to have a garage do it??? Dan
  15. Well took a quick visit to a garage today so they could have a listen, and they suggested that it sounds more like a top end problem, hover he also said not to worry too much about it but i just aint gonna take this advice, i worry about my car when it makes a slight dqueek and ahve to fix it, so yeah its a top end problem, and it only does it when accelerating by what i can work out, also the tap/knock gets faster as revs pick up and also sounds like an engine starved of oil would. But i changed the oil and filter 3 weeks and she is full.. hope this helps you guys diagnose a bit more... Tha
  16. and what would this mean? on a 1 - 10 on the bad times scale where would it come? Dan
  17. hey there yeah i will try the screwdriver technique tommorow when its a bit lighter And no you can barely hear it at all when its cold. its only after it warms up you can hear it properly. Im really confused by it Dan
  18. hey guys i have searched the forum briefly to try and determine what the problem is however have come to no conclusion. The problem sounds like its coming from inside the engine block. Its a tapping noise that gets faster as the revs pick up and its only a light tapping noise however when idling it does start to sound a little deisel like if ya get me? lol its hard to explain.. Any help is appreciated :harhar: thanks! Dan
  19. Did you find out what the problem was dude?? my 4efte ahs started to develop a sort of knocking noise today and i am getting realy reeally scared Dan
  20. Ah okay sorry i misunderstood you in that case then my friend When i called my insurance company and gave them the details on reg papers they quoted me 600 quid which dont get me wrong was tempting but I explained that this was not a Starlet GL (something like that) but a Glanza with the 1.3 turbocharged engine. This boosted in up over Double the original quote however i would rather pay more due to an Void insured driver hitting me wasnt nice not getting anything back!! Its understandable why people do it though i guess. Dan
  21. This is i have done, That being said, it took me Ages to find an insurance company that new what it was!! lol Dan
  22. I have not stated i do this my friend.. I said i was searching through pistonheads and saw that many people have registered them as a 1.3 instead of the turbo... I personally dont agree with it. Sorry if you mis understood me. Dan
  23. Just looking through pistonheads and seeing soo many starlets that say registered as only a 1.3 so is cheap to insure? Just wondering how many people actually insure there Glanza or 82 as a 1.3?? Dan
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