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Everything posted by starlet-glanza-v

  1. i probs go on rollers, when do u need the money by??
  2. Sounds good mate, get some pics up on friday :harhar:
  3. i dont think they will fit either!
  4. 1. Dan Evans - rollers 2. Dale10ellis10 3. Liam D - rollers 4. Kennedy 5. LukeSR 6. Russleh - rollers 7. Gary_ep91 - rollers - PAID 8. thorpy 9. matt glanza-rollers. 10. ben v 11. Gtr-r33 12. Enzo 13. rob_bower (if i can get it off!!) 14. DavidAshton - rollers 15. Aaronw 16. craig - rollers 17. Craig_N - rollers 18. Dean-JDM-ep*1 19. cheshireglanza-rollers 20. Bretts-rollers 21. Markoos - rollers 22. luke robs 23 .lukEp - rollers PAID 24. BAZ2CRAZY - rollers 25. Idrees - Rollers 26. Rob + a couple of others 27.CRAIG SR 28. ep82_girl 29. brewin 30. pc18/bean rollers if it fits lol 31. Amjad - D
  5. Welcome to the site :harhar:
  6. 1)Mark(the-dalester) 2)craig_N 3)LukeSR 4)Cheshireglanza 5)Asad_EP5DR 6) Steve GT 7) lukEp 8)shorty 9) John (Ro55ifumi) 10) Matt (Socks) 11 Enzo 12) starlet-glanza-v
  7. Yeah and your GT looks sweet anyways if u decide to get rid GLWTS
  8. yeah i agree its worth more but depends what people wana pay!
  9. the Jperformance one made me cut my bumper alot! was a pain in the ass!!
  10. 1)rob_bower (2) PAID 2)cheshireglanza (2) 3)lukEp (4) 4)Craig_N (1) PAID 5)Kennedy (1, possibly 2, need to double check) 6)Liam_D (2) 7)Galliano (2) ep82_girl (2) 9) Gary_EP91 (2) 10) Bluebear (1, maybe 2, need to check) 11) Starlet-Glanza-V ( maybe 2)
  11. Nice pic mate, look forward to seeing the rest !!
  12. was a real good day, nice pics people just uploading some of mine now! was really impressed by chanelle1234 vinyls!!
  13. lol was boring in that traffic!!! worth it in the end tho!!
  14. Lol i got some to upload but theres soo many aswell!!
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