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Everything posted by shaneyb

  1. 1. Dan Evans - rollers 2. Dale10ellis10 3. Liam D - rollers 4. Kennedy 5. LukeSR 6. Russleh - rollers 7. Gary_ep91 - rollers - PAID 8. thorpy 9. matt glanza-rollers. 10. ben v 11. Gtr-r33 12. Enzo 13. rob_bower (if i can get it off!!) 14. DavidAshton - rollers 15. Aaronw 16. craig - rollers 17. Craig_N - rollers 18. Dean-JDM-ep*1 19. cheshireglanza-rollers 20. Bretts-rollers 21. Markoos - rollers 22. luke robs 23 .lukEp - rollers PAID 24. BAZ2CRAZY - rollers 25. Idrees - Rollers 26. Rob + a couple of others 27.CRAIG SR 28. ep82_girl 29. brewin 30. pc18/bean rollers if it fits lol 31. Amjad - D
  2. I might make an appearance.
  3. People might put them up for £3k+ doesnt mean they actually sell for that much.
  4. dont sell it yet, as I cant afford it right now.
  5. All is not lost, getting the lip repaired at the end of the month .
  6. I didnt even get to meet the legendary Sparky, Fail.
  7. shaneyb

    Japfest 2010

    Sparky I never got to meet you! Where was you hiding?
  8. Tbh I like them, they have an evil look about them and are not common, but then again same goes for pulsars. If your going to rebuild the engine I think you mentioned then who cares about the mileage?
  9. They are worth more then pulsars surely? Last time I was looking at these, they were £4-6k.
  10. shaneyb

    Japfest 2010

    And last but not least.... 1)quadcorecraig (stand) 2)padder143 (stand) 3)silverglanza (stand) 4) gukeman (stand) 5) enots (stand+passenger) 6) gary Ep91- Paid (track time booked) (stand+passenger, track+passenger) 7) ep82_girl (stand+passenger) enzo (track time booked+stand) 9) russleh (stand) 10) thropey (stand+passenger) 11) the sly ep (stand) 12) Lianne (stand) 13)whiteglanzaV (stand) 14)jayep91 (track booked+stand) 15)nickep91 (track booked+stand) 16)turbodave (stand) 17)lukerobz (stand) 18)gaz_turbo1 (stand) 19) simon (stand) 20)krissy (stand) 21) starlet88 (stand+passenger) 22)a
  11. This thead has gone a bit quiet, time for an update.....
  12. Mine rubs on my winter wheels 195/50 but my summer tires dont 195/45. Lowered 40mm by the way.
  13. Have you forgotten about me love? Have you not realised that im stuck abroad?! Atleast your stuck at home!
  14. Mate the weather here is nicer then England has ever dream of.
  15. Mate just get an SR. Stop looking at mileage, if a car has been looked after properly and serviced then problems are not likely.
  16. Yes mate you can change them with any speakers as long as they are the same size in diameter. 4" I belive.
  17. Cheap sound deadening wont but the good stuff is not light at all.
  18. Wait am I not getting something here? You want to strip the rear and then lay down sound deadening materials? I thought stripping a car was for weight loss?
  19. Lol there was a lot more but its been taken down by PB. The guy posted his whole personal life on PB including his gf's minge, steroids that hes taking, his tiny cock and then to top it off a picture of his credit card .
  20. Photobucket fail from the Corsa boys. Enjoy lads... http://www.corsasport.co.uk/board/viewthre...6048&page=1
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