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Everything posted by dan_91

  1. what a wierd guy he is.. anyone seen his other video. old people burning? hahaha
  2. dan_91

    Barbara Streisand

    i havent heard it played in a club yet.. ohh my god!! ohh my god!! im excited! think i might wet myself when i finally here it blastin
  3. dan_91


    sparky just got owned
  4. dan_91

    Barbara Streisand

    anyone else heard that new song by duck sauce- barbara streisand.. if not. click below .. for some reason . its only got a few words in it. pointless imo. but its addictive and i love it whats your views.....
  5. glad u understand.. im rather slow. sometimes gettin carried away is a good thing lol.. i quite like the one youve drawn up already.. maybe a different coloured background? but nothin chavvyish ..
  6. i like the idea of a nice suble sunstrip personally.. not too blunt but not ott. does tht make sense?
  7. looking lush paul!! look after this one now yeaah. wheels look mint also the buckets i want i want!
  8. youll have too im no good at sharing
  9. haha how did u no youd comment on that .. ermm nope got a few hot mates but not asian lol.
  10. mines is a catagory A postcode. therefore technically meanin low risk. but my insurance seems too think its a high risk area. wtf. do they just randomly decide?
  11. my girlfriend is half japanese.. her mothers a translator from english too japanese or the other way round. ill ask her see what she says
  12. go metallic green. just too be different
  13. had a awesome weekend even though i got lost in manchester friday night lookin for luke ep, luke robz and chesh! ha. top marks too luke ep for puttin up with us for the weekend, cheers for the beer etc top mAn. and luke robz! i finally got too sleep with you while chesh recorded. cant complain, had a crackin day sunday! most banter ive had in a long time. great too put faces too usernames hope too see u alll soon n nhopefully the gt will b fixed p.s. redz well done on the track! i was screamin your name hahaha
  14. what about for old times sake? haha.. never mind im sure hell bully u on sunday
  15. u comin too join us or what? hahah..
  16. look forward too it. will i need my fluffy handcuffs and whip? hahaha
  17. i went through comparison sites and paid a effin fortune.. . then came across admiral. got it down to 1600 so happy as hell. both parents as named drivers. includin mods etc.. then went on too confused.com n admiral then came up at 2800 for exact same details.. point is. comparison sites are a rip off!!
  18. i lovess it ... i always seem to remember the bit of dancin like a tit though
  19. you dont no whats gonna happen to you while your sleeping
  20. ammuses me that you actually have to be drunk, to enjoy going out in town... u have to be drunk to forget its actually shit
  21. i was just aviodin you haha.. na i thought u was still away at uni lol.. ok sound pal ill give u a shout next time im out . you goin to japfest? :)
  22. im not driving. im comin down wqith lukerobz n chesireglanza . cant wait. .two sleeps!
  23. missed the tickets. can i pay at the gate?
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