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Everything posted by dan_91

  1. hah.. your never back in swansea . whore!! yeah defo im out every weekend. wednesday night now if your up for it. student night.. cheap drinkss plenty of girls... and guys for u sparky always have a crackin time when im out. !! literally
  2. items in great condition just as described to me. fast delivery and superb packing. secure! great guy would recommend him to anyone!! cheers pal
  3. i must saY,, i love my booze.! ;) just love the feelin for some strange reason.. except when i cant stand . its almost impossible too refuse a night out in swansea. its expensive but well worth it. put it this way. went out last weekend got smashed. im18 nearly 19. chatted to some birdwoke up in bed with her not knowin where the hell i was n no battery on my phone. turns out shes 25.. now nornally i wouldntve been such a dirty dog...
  4. i cant insure my gt for less than a glanza would b. infact im 600 pound more expensive on the gt. where as a couple months ago i couldnt even get looked at on a v, as for which one too choose. i love the gt as its so light and nimble!
  5. that is a awesome pic. the last one.!! we had it bad. had too rugby train in it.. yeehaa.. u should sell the pictoo youe neighbours house now so they can frame it
  6. o my god think ive just wet myself. i want a set of superlights for my gt.. they look amazin... ive wanted a set for ages.. get it slammed on its arse , nose draggin, roll the arches and get some negative camber on the go.. euro/jdm FTW .
  7. if they were hidin they cant nick you.. i thought they were only allowed too fine u if they were visible too the eye? or if it was one of those new police vans that apprently have the cameras on the top of them facing forward and back n can detect u speedin n instantly nick you? dont no if theyre rumours but heard a few people talkin bout them ..
  8. sounds like you had fun ... cant believe u got moved on because of a few cars. surely noone was doin donuts in a car park.. police these days! nothin better to do... next time go for a spin up the black mountains because if i havent got the gt ssorted i can meet u there because its only ten minutes from my house great blast on a sunday. cocking the rear wheels all over the place
  9. as mentioned above pal. empty your inbox n let me no and then i can reply
  10. hope i wont regret it. but after comparing insurance prices etc after now havin my licence for a year i can almost insure anything for reasonable ish prices :L. and after bein quoted very cheap i have decided i now wanna get rid of the gt and get a glanza.. all is left too do with the gt is get my new engine in n off we go. . what are the glanzas like too drive compared too a gt ? will i regret it? just wanna no the pros n cons of a v . for some reason i find myself actin like alil kid at christmas but yet i havent found one yet ... childish i no but its gotta b exciting knowin i can get
  11. this is mental!!! only benefit would b lower insurance prmiums because your bein wtched all the time?? why dont we all remove are number plates n race between them all!
  12. RUGBY FTW.... football players spend 90 mintues pretendin theyre injured.. rugby players spend 80 minutes pretending theyre not!
  13. i would like too ride shotgun with someone comin from my way!! as i have no car atm .....
  14. dan_91


    hi guys as u all no my car is off the road .. lukerobz wants me too meet him on the way too japfest at the services where we r all meetin... is anyone goin from swansea way i could ride shotgun with until bristol? petrol will b helped with cheers guys. dan
  15. really want too have a meet sometime... but my engine gone pop! so i wont b driving around :L. dont even no if ill b able too make it too japfest
  16. right now im listenin too tinie tempah. pass out. makes me dance everytime i heere it
  17. yeah i was thinkin all that lol.. it was only a idea guys...... :harhar:
  18. hmm so its definantly not as easy as a lot of people say it is... thanks for the help.. like i said it was only a querie really
  19. seen these before! actually lol'd at the seagull!!
  20. right.. sorry for all this hassle but as im off work atm ive got so many bloody ideas runnin through my head as in which way too go for big big power.... is there any other engines etc that would fit into a starlet.. mr2 turbo? gt4? seein as ive brought it off the orad was thinkin off doin a big big project! but dont wanna go out n start buyin engines n boxes if nothin is goin too fit ...... :harhar: sorry for silly questions just curious too no n why i havent heard of no one else doin it?
  21. haha :harhar: sausage fest ftw!! is it normal for me too start gettin worried about this now? ky or vaseline?
  22. snap! love bein able too have chatter and blow off!! ftw :harhar:
  23. im sure theres plenty room :harhar: haha
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