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Everything posted by dan_91

  1. dan_91

    Car Music Playlist

    IAN CAREY project. get shaky lol.. think thats who sings it :L justice- we are your friends florence and the machine- youve got the love. orr florence the machine and dizzy rascal.- youve got the dirty love sorry not too everyones tastes but with the sub n lonely journey too work i like too have a good ol dance and sing too myself lol
  2. and me lol.. better go change my pants now
  3. welcome pal... its dan_91 from jap cars cymru .. same username.. . . lol.. i think its ep82 girls car u see goin past the uni n not mine lol... definantly looks like u saved her!!!
  4. luke sr ive seen that before and its pretty mad.. imagine doin that.. gotta have some balls t stop on the motorway haha
  5. ive seen this vid many times and just cant get over the accelaration!.. evenvthough he misses as gear by the sound of things lol
  6. at least it went boom in style lol... everyones worst nightmare!
  7. its a god night out.. weatherspoons... as in lloyds number one down at the waterfront is usually a GOOD CRACK TOO START THE EVENIN OFF then mckennzies which is beside it lol... then oceano for a good ol dance.. lol.. thekla the cllub on the boat great.. some underground drum n bass clubs too.. good laugh if your with a good crowd ... there is one place too avoid but sorry pal cant remember the name of it.... o st pauls area of town!!!!!! go in likely not too come out!
  8. awesome! well i think youve gathered i havent lived here for long lol.. since new year lol/./ awesome make sure when it getsd sorted drop me a pm n we can have a small meet in swansea or something . thanks for the comments
  9. welcome along dude! get some more pics posted up and al ist of the spec like the colour
  10. sounds good too me . how far away is pontypridd from swansea? and whens the car gonna b back on the road lol
  11. cheers dude! youve been hagglin at me too swap lol.. i love the wheels.. pretty rare apparently asweel.. lol.. ye u sure r gonna have t have another meet before japfeswt me thinks
  12. haha i didnt realise u could change what u say after uve posted it lol.. mod!! haha... sorry
  13. no no no :L:L:L.. the wheels i wanted refurbished r my wantnabe ssr splits lol.. the white ones on the car just now r enkei sport haha..
  14. as in my one? with the hdi front mount mate? my wheels are enkei sport. got a bargain when i bought them. and love em ! lol
  15. lovin our pics jo.. well even though u took all them ones i think. lol. phil. love two gts together.. one thing better though.. lots of gts together .. cant wait for summer too come either than car will stay spotless n gleamin for longer than ten minutes lol. dan.. (jock)
  16. o yeah! we got some pics in lc2 in swans sat night lol.. and my car was clean! lol.. ye last night cruise was mental! hell of a lot of cars.. silver glanza.. bring your car next time ;) .. . sparky. get the meets sorted out. ive moved down from scotland n so far ave only seen mine n jos starlets!" lol
  17. im defo up for a hoodie with club logo and username would look sweet.. just an idea but what about a small uksc logo and username on the left side of the hoodie on the front.. instead of a pic? id just want logo n username dont fancy a pic.. would come out in the wash ewventually and look naff?
  18. sorry guys i was all set too coem until friday night.. when i got home from work and was asked by a family friend too work.. in my situation i cant afford t refuse work.. i did tell ep82 girl just t let u no.. was pretty gutted i couldnt come tbh...
  19. alright bud.. just read the whole thread again!! i love it! feel pretty honoured too have seen this in the flesh. but now its runnin im riding shotgun when i come up for a visit.. congrats!!!
  20. hi guys:) im that fella from scotland who drove down in my gt n was gonna have a mini meet before i went home.. but ermmm i kinda changed my mind n now im living down here... dunno if its my name luke put up.. dan from tgtt.. but im in for the meet.. hopefully ill get this cable thursday n ill b back on the road.. i was gettin all mixed up from tgtt n here didnt no what meet too go too but its the same bloody one!!! haha. if im not fixed if someone from round swansea area dont mind we riding shotgun id b more than happy too cheers!!
  21. ok dude thanks for your help n interest but ive been sorted out!! for now.. sorry t let ya down/... again lol..
  22. aye sound dude.. well ill let u no tomorrow k.. if i cant get hold of it cheap ill b avin em.. appreciate it cat.. are u able too post??.. ill have t try use paypal or something for u
  23. sorry mate i dont need a bearbox.... its selector cables i need.. n cat i aint comin up too scotland this weekend now dunno when ill b up.. id have em off u for 30 pound.. im goin down sparesworld tomorrow so ill get back too you on it bud.. cheers
  24. lol awesome! how much whp u runnin now then? ye too right what a monster lol.. hows the sequential diff holdin up? lol.. orite good idea batman. how much u wantin for them ?
  25. haha i no u pop up everywhere lol o your bucket of shit? whats wrong with it? lol.. howd the ecu mappin go? ohright shit im spose too be comin up too scotland at the weekend... looks like i casnt get the cable of of you lol.. grrrrr
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