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Everything posted by dan_91

  1. haha ahright i was drinkin last night n never even noticed any missed callls lol.. sorrryyy . haha.. and yeah well i finishwork at half 2 on a friday... ill check train times now too get too dolgellau...
  2. noo battery!! can u not tell it keeps goin straight too voicemail meanin my phone is off you cum muffin
  3. ahhh right ok i want als mapped into mine so think ill have too get a new ecu instead of the hassle... and farina dont exist anymore i dont think. because nothin comes up on google when i type everything in lol....
  4. ye its a farina racer standealone ecu... what is the actual difference with a self learnin and standelone.. educate me please? :L.... ahh ok matt im interested.. ill send u a pm in a minute
  5. good!! ill look forward too it. tgtt will def be jealous now.. ermmm think we hve a problem? has anyone actually got tents? haha
  6. got too be skips or quavers!!! gotta love the cheese and seafood mix together
  7. welcome buddy! enjoy your stay! and get some pics up
  8. welll yeah true it just takes ages lol.. any idea how much my ecu is worth cat?
  9. spark plugs are fine... its not missin or anything.. just bangin n clonkin! F**king thing! definantly nothin lose in the bay either.. its off the road now cancelled my insurance an everything! CAT i dont think im gonna break her it sounds like a lot of hassle plus the bummer of seein your pride and joy wasting away too nothing! i need a extrememly cheap run around.. any one got anything goin? .. sparky yeah im sure i could lend u my wheels but may have too charge you for hire and wear n tear
  10. ok sorry for hopeless description! im s**t at decscribin! " if so your sorry a55 needs new spark plugs..." huh. whats a55? and the noises came as it cut out.. restart it then it got louder n louder and ..... well a bangin... but ive never heard a gone bottom end so i have no clue ! its not spewin out smoke ... been burnin a bit of oil on engine brakin ... oil level n coolant etc are fine. sorry for shitty disciption.. is this any better mate?
  11. thanks guys.... i havent got the heart too sell her soo watchin it break down would b soul destroyin! think ill keep her.. any advice on the rebuild? also need a respray etc etc. so full makeover... anyone got any ideas i got perhaps juggle round n throw into it?
  12. think i wanna do that but not entirely sure yet... need more opinions. think more money is too b made b breakin though.. i kepy changin my mind
  13. sounds fab too me do i get too share your bed? haha
  14. sorry for the long delay guys havent had internet access!!! some of you no about my situation with the car so i doubt ill b goin too japfest now :D extreememly gutted.!!! unless i ride shotgun i may perhaps come lol... no idea about campin i say we just turn up at a campsite n make do! :L .. an we dont need tents if we party all night
  15. i no i will but gotta think practicality lol....get a daily n use starbo for weekends only? that way can take my time rebuildin ?
  16. hi guys. last thursday my turbo oil feed pipe snapped at the flange. got it repaired and used it for two days. then on my way home from work on monday it wouldnt idle. i touched the brakes it would cut out then it started bangin.. and scrapin. sounding like something was bein picked up n thrown round the engine. so immediately shut her off and waitin too b picked up... any idea what this could b? bottom end gone? should i break my car instead of forkin out all the cash as im only 18, apprentice wages etc.. and mental insurance premiums. got quite a lot of rare parts on my car worth some mone
  17. good boy.. .. you had the white beanie on yeah? shit memory haha.. ye who wants too see my new shoes? hahaha.. what a laugh. ye ceri what a monster her car is! she was doin some impressive launches down asda f***in hell! lol yeah soo ive been hearin it was awesome.. get some pics up off your car dude! i never got too see it last night lol..
  18. welcome along buddy . i no this has been said alot.... but get some pics up
  19. alright fella . welcome along . if i remember last night i was with you all night lol... dan n tom? was in my black ep82 quadlight with the cage n white wheels ? hell of a laugh last night . see u again soon.. dan
  20. thats why we raid a camp site lol its was only a idea n wanted too share it lol but ahh well
  21. i usually have very little sleep.. then get up still drunk as hell have a fried breccy . go too the shop get can of relentless an orange lucozade sport n some jelly tots! something about fruity flavoured sweets cures my hangover instantly .. sugar rush ftw!
  22. alright guys n girls.. ive had a few thoughts in my head reagrding japfest. as many of us have a hell of a drive back home afterwards . why dont we all meet up n camp for the night or something n have a few beers. just an idea instead of everyone leaving straight away like dan
  23. ok sound where can i get them from... have u got a link please?
  24. dan_91


    great stuff not :(... not a happy bunny now lol... hmmm its gonna cost wayy to much too get it shipped over too japan n mapped plus they might not even do it n just steal my cash. not very trustin in that department. easiest thing would b buy a new ecu ./.. lol cheers guys. dan
  25. dan_91


    yet again cat u come too my rescue haha.... are you actually jokin lol.. ye theyre rare as hell but i wouldve though someone in the uk could map em lol... ... welll turbo seems too b fine n would only be used now and again because i actually love it lol.... cheers
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