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StuDoc 72

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Everything posted by StuDoc 72

  1. Aye see mines is already smooth as fuck because its fresh paint. I just use the polish and makes it that greasy way so the rain beads and when its dirty jus pressure washes off but shud a be waxin it after polishin it or wit wits the script lol? Is it actually ayr your from or wit?
  2. See thats obv wit am needin ill jus start stealin ma burds camera.Whats the script with this clay bar and all that? I just use a wee shitey 12v halfords polisher and a tub of MER lol comes up relatively well but i guess thats down to the fresh paint whats gna get me best results?
  3. Fuck me those are bright they do look decent even though im more into the whole subtly i do like them. What kinda camera did you take those pics with i take mine with ma fone and they just never do ma car justice at all! That pic i posted was the day after i got it back from painting and it just does not do anything for it at all. Ive got these sexy wee JDM fuckers i was gna have painted black after realising they are worth a small fortune lol
  4. Shit!!! so it is lol it looks quality in tht wee picture its like a big black grill id spray it that way if i was you haha. Looks wise mines will be staying much as it is with maybe a cheeky livepsorts spoiler because i think the look the dogs danglies and maybe a black set of wheels but thats about it.
  5. Awryt nice 1 aye i dont noramlly check the new members bit on here as its normall packin have about 5 a day so i never notice. Aye its better on here for buying selling and the patter n tht theres no a scottish bit on there so thats how a stick ti here. Its better on TGTT for tech data n stuff and if you have any problems with your cars the guys on there are pretty clued up. On here between shaun paul rob if he still comes on and maself we do not too bad and worst case scenario weer no too far apart so can always lend a hand. You goin td04 well hes gny hate me for nominating him but shauns the
  6. Mate i wouldnt know where to start but i'd love some stuff from the motherland if your gna do something like that! What kinda stuff can you get your hands on? Awryt mate nah ive agot a Nur spec R system its just a bit too loud for my liking and paul on this thread has bought an HKS silent replica that ive been trying to prise off of him thats what i was saying. I would be interested in the de-cat tho probably. To add photos you upload them to photo bucket and just post the img link. Anyway when did you join this? Welcome in anyway your not too far from us so keep in with the chat ;)
  7. Pretty sure thats for engine management bud not abs i could stand corrected though. Also dont think it would specify what sensor was broke either again i could stand corrected. Best way as i said get urself a jack and a multimeter n get your hands dirty ;)
  8. You living in japan bud? Make sure to bring plenty JDM goodness over with you lol.
  9. If you can get your hands on one obviously this is the best option. If not you will have to start by testing your sensors manually.
  10. Sound ill ask for some advise on my choices nearer the time then mate lol. Kl well paul has an exhaust very similar to an HKS silent so maybe get him to part with that if its quieter than mine. I know they do them i was at college 1 time few years back n had to have it done fk it lol.
  11. Aye use them on the abs sensor side of the wires and spin the wheels abs sensors work on a magnetic field so as they spin create their own current. So no current means their no working. Change over the faulty 1 if you cant get to diagnostics to reset it then jus drive it for haf an hour abs is self checking so should reset after a while anyway.
  12. Right well ill have a go at it. Will be in a month or 2 anyway need to wait on money coming through that my work owes me so thats what will be paying for it. I've no got a clue about any of this stuff I can fit it all i just dont know what I need to do it lol. Ill give you a shout nearer the time when im going to start buying the parts. Whats wrong with those manifolds do they crack too easily? I prob would have bought toyota gaskets anyway but cheers for the heads up. Another thing see with a de-cat its gna make it loud as fk isnt it? Whats the script with those road side emissions tests if y
  13. Sensors are in the hubs theres a thick black wire comes out and will go up behind the arch liners follow it up and unplug it use a multimeter on the 2 pins and spin the wheel if you get a reading then they are working do this to all 4 to check the sensors.
  14. Yep will be a sensor 1 of mine went last year. Get yourself a multimeter and test them. Buy 1 from some one who is breaking they are expensive me in my infinate knowledge got it from toyota cost me about 125 wont be making tht mistake again.
  15. Aye i get u now with the boost spike canny release the extra pressure. wud u jus port the wasteget yourself with a dremmel or get it done professionally? Nice 1 shaun your some man. Thers an SPS manifold and ZEP de cat on TGTT for 155 i dont have the doe to get this started just now but shud be in the next couple months just doing my homework just now. With all that though the standard set up will handle this ok? Dont needa mess with fuelling or injectors do i? I wanna hold back mate and prob no go any further than 180 so that will be cool.
  16. Yes could be cable or the convertor. Cheaper convertors can become jumpy after time. Take your cable off and lubricate it and see if this makes any difference. Even try removing the convertor and putting the cable straight into the gearbox again tht way u know if its the cable or convertor.
  17. Try taking out your speed cable and getting some oil down it make sure its nice and free should sort you out.
  18. Firstly i would want to stay TMIC and keep the A/C. I have Nur Spec R exhaust and HKS mushroom filter just now. The filter though is not fitted. Ive been thinking of an ARC for a while now as ive seen a few for sale recently. Plug and play ecu i assume is 1 that is self learning and doesnt need mapped? What causes boost spike and what actually is it? So you reckon a shopping list of (ECU, manifold, de-cat, actuator?) What ecu would you recommend is best cost wise and stuff JAM? Would it all fall flat on its face if the cat was left on? Or would the cat just melt? I know where your coming from
  19. Right boys been thinking for a bit and i know im faithful to the stock but i just want more power im no talkin much maybe going to 160 or 180. Whats the script for this? Jam ECU, adjustable actuator, exhaust and air filter? Whats the best way for me to reach this without going over board? Id like to keep it simple. Shaun your prob the man to answer this for me im assuming?
  20. Any one into that Too Close by Alex Clare from the Bing advert??? Level up by Sway?? Sorry if these are old news haha.
  21. The can of foam you use when you have a puncture lol.
  22. Jus tow it home with the clio mate. Save u doin it at the side of the road.
  23. Red Glanza yesterday bout 4:20 Eastbound, Black GT This morning 7:45 headed towards mate any body here?
  24. This still gny be hapnin? Maybe we should bring it forward while we have the interest. Any good weather could be a reasonable shout?
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