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Posts posted by aidanep71

  1. I believe HKS system is 3.5" from what I remember

    whch system supper dragger or hi power silent

    id just get a custom 1 made up atleast then u get to pick exactly what u want and the fitment till be perfect

    i will be getting a custom system but dont want a cheapo box

  2. the bmw disc is 18mm the levin disc is 25mm so thats 7mm all together so 3.5mm plus the standard gap between holder and disc which is about 2 to 3mm aswell so then with the bmw disc you would have a gap of about 6mm which is a lot

  3. 3 or 4mm either side is a lot tho and when there is a gap of about 3 or 4mm between the slider and levin disc add on the 3 or 4mm extra that will be there with the thin disc and there will be a fairly big gap

  4. just been trying to fit these but dont no what discs to use i seen on the other threads they use 318 bmw discs but there only 22mm thick where as the levin is 25 so dont realy want to use them any other ideas what to use

  5. ya it tells ya either your nearly out of brake fluid or your handbrake is pulled..try put a bit of fluid in it may not seem low but when ya press the brakes the level will drop slightly

  6. the only reason i do worry is that i'v fried 2 walbro pumps in it they only lasted about 2 months was told that either it wasn getting a good enough power supply or its building pressure so i gave the new pump a direct feed from the battery not sure about the pressure tho

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