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Posts posted by corofin12345

  1. 85psi - 30psi - 80psi - 75psi.

    ah, was hoping for yourself it would be better.. on the other hand, ive never seen readings like that before on a 4efte.. you can clearly see that theres a problem with cylinder 2 alright but why are the others so low but still within limits..?? are you sure it wasnt: 185psi - 130psi - 180psi - 175psi...???

  2. i tend to look after the little things on these cars to help them run smoothly.. after

    you have given her a good service, clean the things below..

    ICV - idle control valve - take apart (look for tutorial on here)

    ATS - air temp sensor - wipe off gunk with a cloth

    CTS - coolant temp sensor - scotch pad

    and make sure you top up the oil level after you start it after the service... the dipstick

    may read full but once its started after the service, it will drop to fill the oil filter etc...

  3. this.

    no one gets a permanent ban until all outstanding issues with members are resolved in one way or another, as more often than not the site is the only means of communication with the offending seller/person, and to shut down that line of communication prematurely is counter-intuitive.

    pretty obvious if u stop and think about it. banning him before people get a resolution serves to aid no one thats been wronged. this is hardly the staff's BBQ; believe it or not we do have half an inkling what we're doing.


    cheers phil.. some people think otherwise tho...

  4. Its a fucking public post and i had bother with him so i have every right to post my say, who do u think u are to call me a clown and a shit stirrer no need for the abuse, why dont u reply to everyone else here that post and tell them to mind there own business, u stay the out of my busness and have a bit of respect and if u want to say something to me pm me.

    just to clarify this as im in no real mood to be honest for bandwagoners...

    1. ive helped out loads of members on here with dealings with members on toc-irl, staff and members alike..

    2. a member on toc-irl put up a thread about dylan and within 10 minutes i had it solved but "triple j" decided to

    have his say anyway..

    3. after he was told to keep his nose out of other peoples business, exactly 20 minutes later he comes on here in

    spite and asks "did he get ban from here yet ".. since the last person to reply before that was me back in october, you

    can clearly see why he posted that..!! good man...

    4. then he goes off on one on toc-irl attaching admin saying hes sticking up for his buddy.. really..?? i did giggle at that

    tho in fairness..

    5. your the type that cant be talked to thats for sure... wrong or right.. im been around forums way too long at this stage but

    seen too many cases like this...

    6. im not defending the man in question, rep on my site or not.. in fact i dont even know the chap personally but i have been

    helping out with this cases since they came to light and have solved many of them..!!

    7. it doesnt help any case when people like you jump on the band wagon and do nothing but put sour tastes in peoples mouth

    without even knowing the situation at hand weather you had a bad dealing with him or not.... i was directing this at you, not the other

    people on this thread as ive problems with you, not them..!!

    8. "your helping people"... really..????? theres some people that still have ongoing issues here and you ask has he been banned yet... ??

    good man, your are really helpful thats for sure.... :bad:

    9. again i ask you to stay out of other peoples business for the 3rd time on two car forums... you are not helping the situation one bit.. if you

    had bad dealings with him.. stick up your own thread and stop trying to cause trouble.... cheers...

    10.. yet again ill say this, im not sticking up for the man in question, the only reason why im helping out members on here with this case is cause

    "ep-beast" is a staff member on toc-irl... if any of the members on here that have problems with dylan would like to pm me, then i can try and sort

    it out for them...



  5. did he get ban from here yet

    your actually some clown... you get told off on another site to keep your nose out of other

    peoples business and in spite you come on here to cause more trouble... yes, he is a rep

    on my site (toc-irl) but in no way am i sticking up for him and ive been onto him over all this

    the last few weeks to sort it and im still doing so... ive even helped out members on here and

    tried to keep these dealings as civil as possible but all it takes it a bandwagoner like you to turn

    things very sour.... angers me so much when people go out of their way to cause trouble.... take a

    bow, you have only proven one thing here.. its you who should be banned for causing shit... you are

    directly effecting the sales for all these people who are having trouble with him... next thing ill be doing

    is removing you from toc-irl cause your nothing but a shit stirrer.... stay out of others peoples business


  6. to get over an ex, is to get under her friend.... trust me it works, lol

    sorry now but never let your guard down... i was with that one 6 years and nothing could separate us.. living together, ring bought, future planned then bang out of the blue for no reason.. sad thing about it is that he "was" a family friend... now i use him as a punching bag if i see him out... lol... it was gas tho, she thought in some weird way that we could be still friends..??? i shrugged that off and rode the arse off 2 of her friends, now she has no friends and the fella shes with cant even change a bulb on a car... as for me, im turning 30 but may as well be 23 all over again... riding all around me and living life the way i couldnt live it before... plenty of time to be old, YOLO..... 8)


  7. 6 years and she decided to fuck around behind my back then leave me for him.. karma hit her hard tho and i hit him harder... lol

    1. spend more on your car

    2. booze the fuck out of weekends

    3. fuck everything that walks

    4. fuck her friends

    5. YOLO


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