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Everything posted by G6R-Jamie

  1. Hey guys. Was wondering if anyone was up to much tomorrow? Could probably have a meet somewhere around the Kettering area..........oh wait! Getting excited about this now!
  2. As far as I am aware some people say that the glanza inlet mani is slightly better than the corolla one but don't really have anything to compare it too. You won't notice a huge difference in performance, maybe slightly higher mid/top end but at a slight sacrifice to the low end (lottie notices it more seeing as it's her car). The throttle body will go a way to making a slight difference too but not all that much (should sound nicer though). One thing to be aware of is that the throttle position sensor has a different pin arrangement to the one on your loom so will NOT just plug and play. You
  3. And the winrar of the JAE Show & Shine competition goes to...
  4. Yeah DNA on the steel pole could be the best bet. Blood is what they normally look for if they hurt themself along the way. Hope you get your car back mate and hope the fucking scummy cunts get what they deserve. If it was me I would want to mash their brains into a bloody pulp.
  5. mansfield, notts maybe lololol
  6. Ssssh! You're not supposed to tell anyone that silly!
  7. Don't forget the fact that the car has been pretty much serviced too Charlotte . Brakes bled and topped up. Radiator and engine coolant flushed, refilled and bled. Oil and oil filter change. Only dead minor things but worth a mention. But you did clean the air filter lol. It is looking really good though thanks to Charlotte's handy work under the engine bay and spraying. She's done a mighty fine job of the outside too and those pictures really don't do it justice whatsoever in the dark. Bring on JAE! Jamie
  8. How long til JAE? Oh yeah, not long!
  9. Love the live shows the Chem Bros pull off.
  10. Not if you use a DA polisher and you get a micron check on different areas of your paint beforehand. Saying this though I have a rotary and unless you use a wool pad and a really tough compound and go nuts you can't easily damage your paint. If you have a garage to do this in away from sunlight and bad British weather then you're laughing. Personally I like the feeling of accomplishing a nice finish to my car hence why I do it myself. The price you pay taking it to a valet or detailer could easily buy you the kit to do it yourself. It's not difficult to learn and you can spend as much time as
  11. I would personally do it myself. Chances are you will do a better job than they do. Consider the extra out of your time to do it yourself compared to the time and effort to argue a case if they did get stolen.
  12. When DavidAshton posted his knob up on the 'Starlet Parts For Sale' section I jumped at the chance to own his finely crafted piece. When it arrived through the post it came in a very well packaged erect tube with bubble wrap (I think the postman now looks at me a bit different and leaves my parcels on the doorstep). When I pulled his black knob out I could see the fine quality and although not big it was very well formed and fit well in the palm of my hand. The condition was very good and I could see that David had probably spent many a weekend giving it a right good polish. I now have it sitt
  13. sorry its not garage, hardstyle, hip-hop etc etc etc etc
  14. Reading this should inspire all the Starlet and non-Starlet owners (like me. Loving that positive attitude. Shocked that you have the money (and time) for a Glanza build being at uni! From what I see it looks like you have a good base to start with. Look forward to following this thread and hope all goes well medically. Jamie.
  15. ...Or some UKSC branded love gloves for your 'john thomas' Could see that Sparky buying a few...
  16. Absolutely lovely car. Like hens teeth over here. You've done a really good job.
  17. Thanks Ryan thats made it a lot clearer now. Will have to ask Char which one she wants for her motor as it looks like Snails has both. Am I right in thinking you just need a bit of longer tubing and a couple of new gaskets and sealent?
  18. Surely they must of seen the original? And the Darwin Award goes to...
  19. Yeah I just thought as I was in the car on the way home it's the Glanza S with the same mani. Quite shocking how Charlotte is ACTUALLY sorting her car out!
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