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Everything posted by Vincent-ep91

  1. all sorted thanks uksc members !
  2. As above, i have misplaced mine... Need one asap. Thanks
  3. but when the japs drift like that its safe and responsible...?
  4. you should get really strong double sided tape in any good auto factors. I had this problem a while back myself
  5. have you got a picture? it would be nice too see it
  6. you have to be willing to travel to get the goods... Socks is right lol haha
  7. lad... this fella sounds like someone from the Jeremy Kyle show!
  8. I sold mine for €40 delivered to the U.K if it helps... Postage for me was €22 tho!
  9. whooa! that is rare... Never knew they did them for a glanza...
  10. ahh now, you could buy a keys racing wheel and have enough left over for a night out. But glws dude.... They are obviously making that
  11. its the same story with dietitian and nutritionist, people interchange the two titles. They are two very different things and one has far greater standing than the other.
  12. http://ksportusa.com/b2c/products.php?cat=1847 I dont know which one tho
  13. I need the main shock. My own shock-absorber is knocking. Main shock minus all of the barckets ect
  14. Can someone tell me where i would get a k-sport repared or even an insert for one? Thanks, Vincent
  15. The back seats? The front ones are sold mate. I would split these items
  16. got an parts from him today, his service was excellent. So was the way in which he delth with messages, postage, tracking ect. And to top it off, the part is one of the best top quality used starlet parts i have ever bought. True Gent!
  17. I would have kept it for ya...if you wanted it that badly
  18. nope, sold mate,it was as good as any aftermarket one
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