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Everything posted by whitestarlet

  1. i was thinking about that after i came off the fone with Phil newry is a right distance for a few people to travel, wat about somewhere half way in between newry and belfast??? it would suit a lot more people and it wouldnt take the like of jay and myself over an hour and a half to get there and about £40 round trip!! lol
  2. i was down talking to jay last night and at the minute the 23rd is the best option (if everyone has their christmas shopping done)!!! what does everyone think of this date? not sure on an exact location but all feed back on this is very welcome!! gerard
  3. happy belated birthday scutch!! dont get on here an awful lot at the minute so thats why im late!!
  4. welcome to the site matey!!
  5. jay hope you dont mind but i got these numbers from your information!! thank you 81135 RH 81175 LH
  6. lol thats very handy!! good job you found that and it didnt cost the earth! !!
  7. got to be dumb post for today!! dont trust rope unless it has been certified by a materials tester!! and no one is going to certify a rope to tie down a coil spring!!! thats just stupid!! no use having your car lowered with your nice shiny new springs if it has taken your eye out in the process!! shop around mate and see wat some of the garages local to you say!!
  8. good stuff spuddy!! jus trying to find out when suits as many as possible!! so we can have as many members there and none getting left out!!
  9. thinks gaz has a nice set of wheels on his gt
  10. seems to be posting in here an awful lot!! lol
  11. joz when suits ya ? any time between the 22nd and the 31st dec wel apart from the 25th we ll give it a miss !!
  12. yeah i know jay!! was thinking of my house they would never turn up there. BUT neither would any of you cause you would never be able to find it!! lol friday is looking like a good day so far then!!
  13. ok lads and lasses im looking to organise a meet around christmas time for all uksc members. who all would be interested and wat days would suit you all? im off from the 22nd of dec til the 2nd of jan
  14. that was a bit too close for comfort!! glad it missed your carn and the others on the busy rd!!
  15. sorry to hear about this Phil. this is the first i ve heard of it. sent you a message. hope you make a full recovery
  16. very nice tribute to avery good driver and person. nice car.!
  17. bought the ep91 sportif in 2000 it had 23000 on it up till april of this year it climed till 144000!! the 95gt bought in april now has 116000kms on it!
  18. definately not one of the nicest starlets that there is around!! lol
  19. i think i will probably go for a hybrid since its the first gt that i ve had and the roads down here are not great. dont think i much need at the minute for 200bhp plus!
  20. nit so good at all mate hope you will be opk and get it all sorted out.
  21. if you where going to swap and stay N/A the 5efe is the easiest. basically plug and play. the 4efte is pretty simple to though will involve some wirings modifications. the 5efhe is the same as the 5efe but uses a different ignition and timing system (i hope im right here correct me if im wrong please) and can be complicated to wire up and get running as a member found out much to his dismay. the 4age and 4agze wil need new engine mountings, shafts and probably wired up aswell but it is possible to do!! . the 3gste will definately need new engine mounts shafts and rewired, i also remember that
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