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Everything posted by whitestarlet

  1. ok mate jack the car up at one side and place in axle stand remove wheel!! turn steering wheel out so the brake caliper is facing out to give you best view. there will be two 12mm bolts on the caliper remove them and the caliper will lift off remove braked fluid res. cap and gently push back piston in caliper (be careful not to nip the seal) remove brake pads and fit new ones. fit caliper back on tighten bolts. slowly pump up pedal. fit wheel. and take it easy for a while till the brake pads have bedded in!! hope i aint left any thing out!!!
  2. Hammer and a chisel is the cheap option... typical Upper Ards attitude!!!! lol
  3. Went and seen the Transporter 2 last night and the Audi in it was baged W12!!!!! very very nice
  4. out of all it would either be a white Evo 5 or 6!! but i wouldnt turn down a GT4 or a GTi R sunny either!! i think scooby's are too common but a 22B or a P1 would be nice has to be 3 door!!!
  5. i dont think the would be my cup of tea!! a nice set of white ones mayb !!!
  6. ah its all gone a bit pete tong alright!! some things jus go a bit far!! a nice relaxed atmosphere is the business!!!
  7. yeah i ve had a few close ones mostly in the ice!! jus got 4 rims repaired and was heading into Lisburn one day from Carryduff. following a white transit van through all the wee twisty back roads slightly slippy but came down into a housing estate and the transit started to slide. he ended up parked up ontop of the kerb, as soon as i noticed that i lifted off the throttle but also started to slide towards the same side of the road towards a parked car!! jus managed to miss it by a few inches and hit the kerb with the rear of the car which threw the front round scuffing the rim!! it all happen
  8. wat a idiot!! words jus cant explain anything!!!
  9. lol very good jay!! you getting a few ideas???
  10. welcome to the site mate!! check the post about where everyone is from in this section and that ll give you a rough idea if there is anyone in your area!!! gerard
  11. an now sicaln i dont want you starting a row everyone has there own opinions!!
  12. found this while searching on Google though i havent heen able to find any specs!! http://www.team187.orcon.net.nz/unknown_starlet_pics.htm nice pics of under the bonnet!!
  13. you need to re register then everything ll be fine then you can iget your old post count back if you want aswell!!
  14. im not sure mate its done the same to me asw3ell!!! jay have you had any problems?? you ll prob see this before you get a message!!! lol
  15. heard last friday about it but wasnt on the web to find out any more about it!! he ll be missed Rest in Peace
  16. i dont know i ve never seen that front end before!!
  17. its for a GT4 celica was at a local car acc shop
  18. jus looking and found this!!! not really my cup of tea http://page9.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/k25179050
  19. looks very well geo!!! nice rims by the way!
  20. there really is some difference there!!
  21. cant beat a bit of induction roar!! the piperX is also very good for that!!
  22. looks well mate you got a nice day for the pictures!!! are they taken up at Benone???
  23. the next time im out that way getting bits i ll get the addy and contact number for ya!!!
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