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Everything posted by 59bhp

  1. who takes notice of a for sale thread when there not interested in buying it? dont go blaming a 3rd party for your misfortune
  2. awesome mate, cant believe you muched a full set of tyres
  3. 59bhp


    haha one of those suicide girls has got colt 45's tattooed on each hip, how awesome is that?
  4. to be honest i did read your sig once, a while ago but completly forgot, assumption is the mother of all fuckups but im guilty of it lol i just automatically assume that all forum members are guys until i see something to say otherwise lol
  5. yeah ive got banzai every month for as long as i can remember lol its an awesome mag, also check out japanese performance magazine, also very good.
  6. well basically the last couple of days ive been having this problem with when i go round a tight bend quite fast the oil pressure light flickers on and then goes off as if there is oil starvation. Now i have a stock susp setup and proxy t1-r's so i highly doubt im pulling enough g's to starve the pick up pipe considering much more track orientated cars have no problems at all. The oil level was half way between empy and full on the dipstick so i thought id top it up to just below full and its still doing it. From what i can tell its not using any oil and there are no leaks anywhere that i ca
  7. i found mine extremely helpfull if only to gain a bit of experiance with somone who taught me how to drive in the first place, i also was taught to drive quickly on national speed limit roads without being a danger and was taught how to drive sensibly at night. Before i started it i wasnt sure if it was gonna be any help and was mainly doing it for cheaper insurance but the first day i was driving to college, on the motorway the heavens opened and nobody could see a thing. The whole of the m61 was litterally travelling at 30mph it was that bad but because id already been on the motorway and m
  8. for some reason this had me laughing my ass off. The guy is clearly a genius!
  9. haha this is what i did, i knew i wouldnt pass a levels so did a btec instead, got me into uni and now im doing a master degree in mechanical engineering mwahahahah
  10. holy shit................£1900 quid?!?!?! thats a lotta games
  11. out of interest how much do you charge for detailing a car? and where abouts are you? cheers mike
  12. i run a greddy type s, never ever ever leaks, nice noise not sure what else to say really lol
  13. 59bhp


    yeah apparently they still work quite well, even after being 12 years out of date lol i wouldnt advise it though as i dont fancy being blamed for a trip to the burns clinic
  14. its the second monday of every month, where abouts are you from?
  15. which insurance company are you with and how old, ncb etc? its just that sounds like something i may be interested in come renewal time.
  16. meguirs gold class for shampoo, and autoglym ultra deep shine for polish both give very good results with little effort, perfect for lazy people like me
  17. theres a meet every month at mascrat manor just off junction 21 of the m6, its not jsut for starlet but its a big japanese car meet and a lot of us with starlet go. In fact theres one on tonight so you should pop along if you can.
  18. dunno why you lot are having such a fit over it, ive seen a HELLUVA lot worse corsa's than that lol was it his first car?
  19. 37.1 mph in a 30?!?! thats not even a mans speed!!
  20. ah crap i didnt realise, well yeah i think you open up a can not only on ford but the US air force as well!!
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