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Everything posted by bdohohh

  1. They'll be kept not sure either as winters, spares or as normal wheels and I'll just use the sparcos as show wheels to keep them clean.
  2. So new wheels have been found! Sparco Crimson NS2's! Not quite what I originally wanted but I just can't afford volks or even the Rota's I want right now so the sparcos it is! They're going for a blue centre cap and rim with white spikes. And blue d1 spec nuts So excited!! I'm planning on them looking something like this but with blue centre and lip, and 040 white spokes. also this is the blue I'm going for - oriental blue from specialist paints! these are the wheel nuts: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Genuine-D1-Spec-1-5-Internal-Wheel-Nuts-Blue-Toyota-Honda-Mitsubishi-Mazda-/
  3. Would love to but it's just to expensive for a one day show this year Sometimes I do wish I was over there! So much easier getting parts shipped and all
  4. Updates are gonna be slow and steady over the next few months trying to get ready for show season! Really hope I get my other body parts painted and on before then!
  5. Slight problem.. I may have been hasty in saying we could come! Turns out we need to be in Derry at 3 so there's no way we'd have time I forgot we booked lunch not dinner! My bad, sorry!
  6. new doors possibly sorted... also small development, may be changing the rear lights over this weekend to the glanza bubble lights. Joel took the reflet ones cause we reckoned with his car being red and mine being white they would suit his more, and the bubble ones will suit mine more cause they're clear where the reflet ones are red! no other updates yet, apart from Joel got me a loom from a GT turbo for valentines day so thats another part added to the new build box
  7. I left school wanting to go to uni and do medicine but ended up falling in to biology instead and now I have no idea what to do after hahaha. I'll probably end up falling into research or something
  8. Bump strips are gone! Removed them yesterday. Took 3.5 hours but they're gone! Touched up a couple of chips as we found out the passenger door had been repainted...twice! Haha. Gonna clean it this week properly and then get some snaps
  9. Without a doubt switching to 50 cal detailing for cleaning supplies! So impressed with all of them, the tyre dressing is exactly what I love tyre dressing to look like and is so hard to find! For ridiculous prices too! Recommend them 100%
  10. I can vouch for the yaris! For me a starlet is better but I loved my yaris for three years and it was only a 1.0L. Really wrestled with myself to sell that little beast, never put a foot wrong and yaris can be made to look amazing. Especially t sports! Ps so sorry to hear about this dude! Another starlet gone :'(. Other road users are twats!
  11. Ideally need white glanza doors with all electrics for a decent price but will take n/a doors or another colour if no glanza doors are available! Cash ready for these, need them asap. Preferably in Ireland so I can collect.
  12. Yes I have been allocated the little shed for my work! Haha. Trust me I'm not worth much. Joel kept having to come over every five/ten minutes to tell me what to do next and evaluate my work haha.
  13. :( If I ever make it over to japfest I will proof that I drive with feet like feathers, just for you. So that's me done for the day. Got most of the external shite off. Maybe next Saturday or Friday depending on Joel as I need him to lift it up onto a bench for me hahaha. Then will crack on with the flywheel and timing belt which we couldn't do today since we need a bolt gun. Also will do the sump which we didn't do cause we need it lifted up so we can drain out any oil that might be in it. For my first ever time working on an engine I'm pretty proud of myself! Baby steps!
  14. Progress! Starting stripping the engine that will be boosted! Still down here but so far the water pump, timing belt cover and rocker cover are off. Today hopefully will get either sump or flywheel off and timing belt too. Finding it surprisingly ok since I've basically no mechanical experience at all! Haha I sense a disaster coming nothing ever goes smoothly for me!
  15. I've used their air freshners and they're amazing! I ordered tyre dressing, interior cleaner, glass cleaner and detailer just to test out. Was tempted to get some polish and wax but didn't have the funds last night! Joel's a die hard autobrite man so may be hard to convert but I need my own stuff!
  16. getting back into good weather now, so I ordered a ton of cleaning products from 50 cal detailing! Also gonna order some nice new autobrite snowfoam today to compliment it all. Hopefully get her all cleaned up soon!
  17. Haha yeah the motorway reveals the one problem with a loud exhaust. My friends all know not to bother trying to talk to each other on the motorway hahaha
  18. They're summer tyres yeah, and atm its very cold and icy, but they've been doing this for at least a month, and we had quite a warm december. They seem to actually be worse when its dry than when the roads are wet as well, but that might just be because I don't expect it at all when its dry.. LOL "I swear officer, its not me, its the car!" Hahaha no I promise its actually not me though! Joel will vouch for me, I'm a fairly cautious driver (if he doesn't agree with me on this, he's in the bad books for at least a week) Really? I didn't even realise that could be a thing wow. I'll
  19. Ok so this might be ridiculous but I'm curious, anyone else get a LOAD of wheel spin? Or is there something up with my tires... The tread looks fine and dandy to me and the wheel alignment should be ok, maybe the tiniest bit off but nothing too big.. But seriously, every time I try and take off with any kind of pace, like say to make a smallish gap in traffic so you'd put the foot down a little, not too much, I just get wheelspin for days and I have to ease way off and have ended up blocking traffic. Keep in mind I've been driving near four years, and never had this before in the starlet or y
  20. to be fair even when we try and go out we end up getting annoyed at people and just coming home and getting into pjs and playing playstation for 10 straight hours hahaha
  21. So finally, progress on the engine is beginning! Starting to strip down the 4efe this friday. Trip to tesco tomorrow to buy as many freezer bags as I can fit in a trolley.
  22. Hahahaha to be honest the vast majority of our "dates" consist of playing GTA online or CoD with each other when we have no money, or sitting in his garage working on our cars and not talking when we do have money to buy parts. What even is the cinema? hahahaha
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