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About JoJo_228

  • Rank
    Adult Baby
  • Birthday 07/25/1992

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  1. Buzzzzzzzzzing. Do we have a list of all the folk who are going like we usually do?
  2. Purchased just because it matches my colour scheme of my mx5 haha. Keep up the good work guys!!
  3. Love small little changes on Starlet, looks mint - keep it up!
  4. So, I'm very reluctant to stop posting in this forum because it's where my love of cars started. I did used to own a Starlet for those newbies who don't know who I am - I then sold that to buy a Civic. However, now.... I have bought myself the car I have always wanted.. an MX5. I didn't purposely seek one, it kinda fell into my hands . I'll do a brief story with added sentimental values.. When I was little, I always wanted a soft top car with 'blinking eyes' - if I ever saw one I'd shout at my mum or dad 'BLINKING CAR'. I obsessed over toy cars when I was little and my favourites
  5. Was nice to see some friendly faces! Looking forward to JAE !
  6. I know I'm gonna fall in love with this and probably hate my Civic
  7. Okay. So it's been almost a year. SO MUCH HAS CHANGED. Well, it hasn't but little bits have. I sourced some teg wheels and drove all the way to Liverpool to get them as they are what I've wanted on her since I got her, took about a week to get them resprayed and fitted. All of which I did on my own again haha! Not much has changed elsewhere unfortunately. This is how she sits now....
  8. Hate you for this. But can't wait to see this in person!
  9. I have 2 costumes... one is a Pokémon....
  10. I'll help as much as I can with setting up, but my arm is splinted up, so I'll probably help hold a pole or something!
  11. I'm far from a glanza fan.. but I have to say, have a soft spot for this one! Look forward to seeing it at JAE !
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