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Seriously Pi**sed Off

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Went for a nice drink after my local jap Meet with the usual mates, got home and looked for my sat nav to take inside (it always lives in the house when not needed) no where to be seen

went round the pasenger side of the car to find my lock hanging out and the door bent to buggery, sat nav obviously stolen so now they hve my home address incase they want to come back for the rest of the car, so a night sat watching out the window for me :rolleyes:


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fuckin hell Jim mate!!

i am honestly gutted for you dude, no one deserves this shit! i am sorry to hear this.

i truly hope you can get it all sorted ASAP dude and with as little additional hassle as possible. i also hope that it doesnt put you off your new project dude!!

chin up mate!


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i hate thievin bastardos. least all they took was the sat nav. kinda crap they have your address though. just be ready. some remote explosives in the car just incase they do take it should sort them out. damage the car a tad but be rid of some shit folks.


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Sorry to hear this Mate, bloody hate theiving chav's.

On another Note, what we do with the several Sat navs we have is program our Home address for a couple of roads away. That way if they do get stolen and they decide to check your house out or come back for the rest of your car they get sent somewhere else! :D

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yeh thats a good idea actually

sent the thieves somewhere else lol good thinking jase lol

Chance are they aint going to come back for anything else but it just covers your ass if they decide they want another go. They have taken one sat nav from you so they know your going to go out and buy a new one so might come back for that one as well. It may mean that they drive round to the address you have stored as your home but keeps them away from you! :D

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like your thinking mate gna start doing that i think

one thing i always do is clean my windscreen if i have a sat-nav on it cause they leave marks on it and thieves see it and presume its still in there

even if you take it out and put it in your house cleaning the windscreen can atlease save you a broken window lol

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