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when I sold the Seo i thought it was tuime to come back to GT goodness, that was until I realised that I could afford some RWD action y0! Bought myself a rev3 Uk spec N/a MR2 at the weekend. My word does it pull! :rolleyes:

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Yea my mate had a rev 3 Gti it was great! and then he dropped a Rev 2 turbo lump in it from his brothers written of one now it is legendary!. But even as an N/A it was so much fun! so easy to get the ass out!

any Pics?

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No need to be sorry :rolleyes: There are other cars out there other than starbo's and paseo's!!!

MR2's are nice, i have considered buying one several times but my bro has a HUGE spec one and it will just look poo next to his so never bothered. He has a Phenix Power Ex Demo one, its a flippin monster!!!!!!

Even in N/A they are great cars, let the modding begin! <_<

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Planning on keeping it standard for a while, we shall see how long that lasts! Great car though, pulls throughout the revs and handles like a dream!

Plus its a Tbar for looking a twat in summer!

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get on imoc, wheels galore.

ah just literally sold my old set from my mr2, but yeah get over on imoc... not particularly friendly but wicked place for parts :rolleyes:

should have gone tubby then they really shift! mine still scares me haha, just never seems to be enough road to use it to it's max though <_<

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Budget couldn't stretch to a decent tubby, so settled for this, still shifts well.

As for the wheels considering just going back to standard wheels, although not sure what mine are worth as they need a refurb!

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dreadful wheels... but your already on the case matey :p

should look awsome with diff wheels.

Im after a mr2 turbo. soon as i sort the starlet out!

should be soon hopefuly the sooner i sell the better.

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well im more than used to boost :p RAWR lol.

i just need to play sideways.. but ill do that when i get the car...

all things need to be taken in a pace mate. like boost you need to take your time with it.. or you screwd.

im sure ill get passed :p just need to learn wtf id be doing.

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the biggest problem with them being mid engine is how they snap rather then just slide out like a front engine rwd.

you can feel it losing grip and will know when it's going to come out but they do tend to snap then snap back again... plus they under steer like a mofo before the back comes out haha for some reason Toyota designed the front to have a wider track then the rear! why i have no idea lol, hence why everyone tries to stagger the wheels and have a wider wheel and offset at the rear to counteract it. tiz a fine balance to getting it feel good round a corner.

but definitely sweet. sweet cars! love mine to bits... best car i have owned by far :p

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I've got a Mk1 MR2 but I agree about the sideways "twitch" due to having the engine in the back....not the same beast as my Mk1 Escort was at all! Holding a slide is much much harder....

Interestingly Re the Mk2, Toyota designed it to "handle like a Supercar"....but after the Rev 1 had been about for a while the number of crashes made them realise that Joe Public can't DRIVE!

So they de-tuned the handeling for the Rev 2 onwards, for more understeer and less oversteer.

I always thought a Rev 1 with a supercharged lagless Rev 3 etc engine would be the most fun!

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