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Group fitness motivation!

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Morning all,

Firstly I know this sounds supergay, bt others may also be looking to lose some of their festive fat!

I have 6 months to get myself into shape for my best friend's wedding. I have started well and determined to lose some fat and tone up. Tracking my calories using myfitnesspal app on my android plus online, and using the kinect yourshape plus 5-a-side weekly

A few years ago on another forum I was on a group of us with the same goal joined together to motivate each other.

Would anyone be interested in this?

It involved posting up a starting picture of yourself, along with waist measurements, arm and chest measurements and a goal to hit

Then every 2 weeks/month posting the above up again to track your changes.

Could either do it on here or I could quickly knock up a forum that only those registered can access?



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recently lost over a stone.....13.5 now was 14.6 when i started out at a guess my peak was ~15 stone i still want to lose more fat and replace it with muscle im 6ft 1

i find it hard while at uni not having regular meals a good thing about sunderland is it has shit takeaways so i get a pizza once a week with the lads or travel out to newcastle and eat something half decent

i was a monster when at bradford, 2-3 takeaways a day without fail coupled with chocs/cakes/biscuits/freezer food could eat most people under the table and take the rest home for later lol!

nice thread by the way, hard doing stuff like this on the tod

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A good way to loose weight is to go for a light jog in the morning on a empty stomach. By doing so, your body is forced to dig into your fat deposits to get energy.

doing cardio on the empty stomach is the best because theres no food to burn off just fat

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I think he starts to look ill towards the end!! The bit after where he is "average joe" looked best IMO.

by ill u mean cut to the bone ;)

Obviously, you wouldnt have to take as fasr as him. But its a good example of cutting down then using the rebound to re gain alot of muscle

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Ok bit of my biology A level coming into practise now. right eating a apple actually burns calories theres alot of foods out there that are known as zero calorie. mostly green veg and fruits. the way they work is that when eating an apple it take lets say 10calories to burn were as the apple is only 4 calories which means you've lost 6 cals going nothing.!!!!! ;) also drinking water all the time will make you lose fat. im 6ft1 nd did weigh bwt 13.5st but put it all bak on nd now bak at about 14.3ish

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