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Does any one do night shift??

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starting my new job next week and aye may be on night shift :D:thumbsup:

aye have never done night shift well aye used to do 6-2am but not a whole night shift...

how is it ? take getting used to?

any one have the same kinda rota shift pattern??

aye enjoy my butey sleep at night thow :p

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My night shift involves wrapping parcels as there's not enough hours in the day to do them as there's too much other things to get done. I've been sleeping no earlier than 5am for the last 3-4 days, and waking up before 10!

As the other guys mentioned though, it will definitely ruin your sleep pattern. Over last Christmas I worked from 5pm-4am and I always woke up around 2pm which ruins the day :thumbsup:

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im on the 4 shift pattern. its basically 3 days 6am-6pm, 3 days off then 3 nights 6pm-6am and so on

nights arnt really that bad if you get in a pattern. if you work the shifts i do you never really get in a pattern cause your constantly changing from days to nights

the best thing i can say is keep drinking coffee or an energy drink or 2 and get to bed as soon as you get in. thats what i do.....oh and nights do temd to go slower than days I've found but its good at night ause you can chill a bit and all the big bosses arnt there to bother you just your team leader/supervisor lol so you can chill out a bit

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i worked a nightshift rota or almost 2 years it went 2 weeks night shifts 2 weeks early morning 2 weeks day. the night shift its self was great nice and relaxed and after couple weeks u get used to it and i found it beter than day shift since i got the day to do what i wanted and never had to take days off to wait in for a package or take my car for mot. only pain is if u swap shifts alot first day back going from a night shift to early morning ( 5am u started i stayed hour and a half away) was a killer but i genraly just never went to bed that day n crashed soon as i got home .

saying that we a guy quit cause we were starting night shift later than normal we worked 7pm to 7 am then drove 2 hours home got to bed and then at half 10 his misses started hovering the bedroom :thumbsup:. he fliped they had a massive fight and she sed it was her or the job (which was pretty shit imo since she had never had a job in the 3 years they went out.....)

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I've done nights before. Did it for like 5 weeks once in the middle east.

Once you get into the swing of things, I much prefer it, although swapping back to and from nights can be a bit tough, although being offshore it's a bit of a different case to being on the beach and working nights.

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used to work night shifts when i was 20/21 once a month for a yr or two. much more relaxed than days, esp as no customers about, could have more of a laugh and could work as messily as u wanted.

come 3 or 4 am tho there was a solid wall that u hit that only red bull or Boost can get u through.


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Used to work night shift couple of years ago right pain in the arse...Usually during the day there more noise depending where you are staying from cars,dogs and people mowing lawns an so on, so sometimes hard to fall asleep althou the money allot better then working daytime.

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i worked nightshifts for about a year, absolute bastard in the summer you get home and it light very difficuly to sleep especially if your neighbours insist on mowing the bloody lawn at 6am :p , also work hard become the supervisor and enjoy your last few months by gettin the job done quick bring the laptop in and watch films whilst gettin payed :thumbsup:

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i work nites quite alot as its the only time we can actually do anywork. i was find the first one your knackered but after tht your fine with them thing tht getsme the most is the eating pattern its all over the place. also tend to find in the warmer months its hard to sleep thru the day dunno if thts just me or not lol

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Yea once your into nights are pretty good, the first one will ruin you lol but when your in a pattern its fine and it might just be me but the shifts seem to go quicker.

I used to take ear plugs home with me so no fucker would disturb me when I am asleep :thumbsup:

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WTF is that??? lol

start work at 8am and finish at 6pm but sometime you have do a few more hours if you work past midnight you get paid 36 hours for that day and get the next off and you get paid 8 hours for your day off.

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cheers guys for all the feedback!

aye am becoming a health care assistant :p

looking faward to it tbh!

yea thing is with night shift is i will not be able to sleep during the day so it may be abit hellish lol

plus aye really really do not like caffeine it makes me feel like i am going to have a heart attack very scarey LOL!

woop just got my shifts there and there all morning till late afternoon :thumbsup:

but will change but good opening to the start of my new jobby!

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Fuck that sounds alright, long day though

yeah it is a long day my last ghoster was in the summer it was a piece of piss that one did 10 mins welding then had 30mins break asleep on a hammock outside we made in the fab shop did 4 hours of that then went back to the digs

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Have worked night for 3 years now, work from 11pm to 7am, and since day 1 i have found it fine tbh, get home at 7am, ready for sleep at bout 8ish, and am asleep within minutes, and sleep like a rock, have to set my alarm for a decent time otherwise i wont wake up lol

I never understand how people say they cant sleep in the morning/day, if your tired, then you will fall asleep no?

You have been awake say 20 hours, surely you will sleep lol

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  • 3 months later...

I start night shifts for the first time in I dunno how many years tonight and its 12 hours, 6pm til 6am :D

Any tips or anything? Gonna have a few hours kip now and get over Tesco's to get 2 bottles of Kick energy drink lol

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I start night shifts for the first time in I dunno how many years tonight and its 12 hours, 6pm til 6am :D

Any tips or anything? Gonna have a few hours kip now and get over Tesco's to get 2 bottles of Kick energy drink lol

same as my shifts mate 6 till 6. best thing is energy drinks all night till about 2am. none after that. by 6 the energy drinks will be on the "come down" and you'll be tired ready for bed. get in quick wash quick drink and straight to bed till whatever time you fancy getting up :D

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ive worked my shift rota for over 5 years now i always do 2 or 3 afternoon shifts 1:30- 9:30 then a 2 or 3 morning shifts 6:30-1:30 then 2 or 3 night shifts 9:30-6:30am

i do get pretty tired but you sort of get used to it. every week i will do double backs too either a morning and a night shift in the same day or an afternoon shift onto a morning shift. also do 12 hour nights on saturdays and the odd 12 hour day shift. the shifts are a bit nuts but i get ten days off every month which is cool.

i dont bother with any energy drinks as i think they all taste like shit and there rammed with crap pretty much.

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