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the wierdest thing!

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not what you think!

I left my car unlocked last nite (not like me) and i was putting my new bumpers and fenders in the car to take it to the painters today and i found a half full bottle of dissarono and a bottle of absolute vodka B) then under them there was a black bag. opened it up and found a brand new macbook! all lying behind my passenger seat. i cant get my head round it. Theres nothing on the macbook at all so i cant even find out who it belongs too who the fuck breaks into a car, doesnt take anything and leaves stuff there?


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LOL fucking pissheads maybe dude?

Anyhow a free £1000 laptop, sorted!

Make sure you lock her next time!!!!

what you mean lock it next time:O ill be leaving it open from now on :haha

nah dan nothing was touched in my car, theres a tom tom in the glove box and some other valubles lying around. wierd as fuck!

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well i would hide the lap top at a friends or relatives for now, i can think of two scenarios, either

1. thieves/ youngesters gettin drunk in the back of your open car (lmao that would be so funny)

2. car thieves in operation around your area may have been looking whats in your car may have been startled by someoen or something and dumped the stuff in your car and ran

who knows leave the stuff at friends and get shot of it or you could hand it in to police along with disaronno and possibly they could dna the bottle?

me i would sadly keep the laptop and get rid of the drink up to you though man

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2. car thieves in operation around your area may have been looking whats in your car may have been startled by someoen or something and dumped the stuff in your car and ran


And they will be back for it and no dout break into your car again to get it.

Not sure what you should do tbf.

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Yeah mate as above..

Lets think about this..

You've had a Mac book dumped into your possession.. Stolen property?.. More then likely!.. Now your not going to want to get caught with stolen property are you.. There fore i would be more then happy to take the Mac book off you if you pay me £30 and I will conveniently forget where i got it from if i ever get questioned .. haha B)

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got to the bottom of it! Cut a long storie short, it was some1 i know who put it there, he said he left it there at 5am because he didnt want to wake me. I know for a fact it isnt his. Hes not getting it back! What if i had been stopped by police and they found it? Little prick! So wat do u think lads? should i keep it or hand it into the police station lol

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If they were pissed enough to leave a brand new macbook in your car and their booze i would think chances are they were too pissed to remember what car they left it in. Otherwise they'd have been back sooner! IMO

.......just read your last post... so your little friend has thieved it away in the night..... in which case he won;t be at a loss if you keep it. Although of course the correct thing would be to hand it in.

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