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Be Careful Drivin Folks.

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aright boys and girls, hows everyone doin. hope all is well with you.

well ill get straight to the point, anyone in and around peterhead/ellon, be careful on the roads.

ran over a massive pothole on monday night and the car is in a bad way. the whole car was shudderin its bollucks off and the revs went mental, the boost went all to pot and couldnt get the car to go anythin over 35 without shitting itself and wanting to blow up. i managed to get to a carpark and there was steam pourin out of underneith the bonnet.

it got uplifted that night and being uplifted and takin to the garage the morn. so ill find out the extend of the damage early next week.

i got in touch with bear scotland who maintain the road, and they say they may pay for it, but i have to buy everything first then get them to pay me back.

wel lets see what happens there. ive got my solicitor involved so that should hopefully help.

they say 3 weeks to send out a bloddy claim form. send me the fucker now, dickheads. ;) :p

wel be careful out there folks. they are bastards those scottish roads.

not happy at all


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Sorry to hear about that mate! Atleast they've said they will probably pay for it! I've heard plenty of these sort of stories (maybe not as bad) and nothing has been paid out! Hope you get it all sorted soon and get your money back! ;)

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Fucking hell sounds like your car went a bit mental must of been bad!!!

Dont forget photographic evidence of the pothole and the damage and of course the bills ;)

Hope you get it sorted bud, im forever pothole dodging!!

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cheers for all the comments boys. hopefully everythin wilol be fine. car is in the garage as of today so ill find out the extent of the damage early next.

i got photgraphic evidence on the tuesday night. luckily the wanks hadnt resurfaced the road as they were resurfacing everywhere around it.

sent off my letters and photos etc through my soilcitor to them today also. so waitng to hear from them with written confirmation that they will pay all costs before i get parts.

ill keep you's updated. :)

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There are some serious ones I have to avoid on a daily basis, if I don't I get so freakin pissed off with myself!

I'm hating the way the roads are. It was in our local paper that the council find its cheaper to repair a whole stretch of road than it is to fill in the potholes every couple of months and pay for those who have claimed against them. Still, they haven't done ANYTHING about several deep ones (previously re-filled and worn away, or they have been a slight line diagonal across the road dug up for pipes etc, and they sink) along the Henlade A358 road in/out of Taunton... those are serious bastards those, sod all has been done. Roll on the re-route into Taunton.. hopefully.

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There were about 5-10 open up this week on the two mile stretch I drive most days, several were more than 1.5ft long, 1.0ft wide and 4-6 inches deep!

Do seem to be getting filled fast but more appear each day, must be a sod to track/fill them all.

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as galliano says, the councils say it cheaper to resurface whole roads, rather than patch them and pay out for damages. but why would they not of thought of this well before now, instead of puttin in that chucky shit that sprays everwhere wen u drive over it at anythin other than 5mph. and then the potholes back like a month later, and they do the same again.

its just bloddy barney.

need 2 billion to sort roads, give me a printin machine ill soon churn the money needed out.

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