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buying parts by bank transfer???

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ive been offered some parts at a very good price, but the lad wants me to pay by bank transfer because he hasnt got paypal n ive never done this and im abit weary as i only ever use paypal now! is there any way you can claim your money back using a bank transfer like you can on paypal if the seller turns out to be dodgy??

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Ive done it loads of times over the years and its allways been good to me, if your talking about actually going into there bank and paying into there account?? as thats what ive done and its allways been good to me like i say.

You get a receipt and your on the banks cctv. :thumbsup:

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You have NO cover whatsoever, there's no chance the bank will help you get your money back if the seller does a runner. I've done bank transfers with many members on here, like James I'm not running anywhere, and I've only paid members that I know well.

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in terms of your account protection your fine, but unless it is over a certain amount you have no cover. As people have said on here only do it if you no the person and trust them.

i used to work at a bank and deal with fruad and claims a lot, you'll be suprise what people can get away with so its just not worth it sometimes

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