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I remember the old story about the young lad at parkhead. (queue urban legend):

A man pulls up close to parkhead to head in to watch a game of football.

Young Lad: "£1 to watch your car mister"

Man(lying): "It's ok I've got a watch dog in the back"

Young Lad: "Does your watchdog put out fires?"

Man: "Here's your bastarding £1"

True story or so I've heard :D

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I remember the old story about the young lad at parkhead. (queue urban legend):

A man pulls up close to parkhead to head in to watch a game of football.

Young Lad: "£1 to watch your car mister"

Man(lying): "It's ok I've got a watch dog in the back"

Young Lad: "Does your watchdog put out fires?"

Man: "Here's your bastarding £1"

True story or so I've heard :D



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I remember the old story about the young lad at parkhead. (queue urban legend):

A man pulls up close to parkhead to head in to watch a game of football.

Young Lad: "£1 to watch your car mister"

Man(lying): "It's ok I've got a watch dog in the back"

Young Lad: "Does your watchdog put out fires?"

Man: "Here's your bastarding £1"

True story or so I've heard B)



ROAD TRIP!!!!!!!!


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i no how ya feel mate. sum fu#in cu#ts dun my car lst night niked all me stereo dun ALL the windows nd luks lyk thy smashd 2 of me wheels wiv a fu#in sledg hammer. aint ad it long eva just only pssd me test bt a month ago. fink ino who it is though so. just pissd me rite off.

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liv in braintree, essex. its usualy ok rnd ere bt ther r a few diks as evrywer. wel i gt anuva set of sr wheels from a geezer me cuzn nos. the windows costin me 50 quid plus windscreen wich i dint fink ws bad. and all me stereo stil gon but hey... me car gos faster now because the w8 lol. nd as 4 the wanke#rs tht did it yeah it ws who i frt nd thy nw sittin in a jail cell 4 a month because thyv dun uva cars. so whos larfin nw lol. shud all b sortd wivin this week.

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cheers mate. yeah wel thy losers neway. fink thy gt comunity service aswel 4 lyk 6 mnths. nd the bobby sed tht thy gta gimma mny 4 the stereo tht thy gt frm sellin it nd bit more. me stereo ws wrth 1500 quid lol. thy aint told me how much im gtin yet though. shud find out soon hopefuly. still suks tht i just gt me sr n tht bin dun.

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