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Nearly Lost Her Today

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Me N Phil (Nanglebadger) decided to meet up today for a while just off a rundabout parking area in a local village.

Went for a rip in my car doin about 60ish rippin down a road with national speed limit of course. When some owl pensioner pulls out of a junction with NO INDICATOR and he was doin like 5mph.

I didnt even see him to the last second and i braked like mad i thought i was gonna go into the back of him.

road was wet. Car pulled in a bit to the right under braking then skidded for about a hundred feet or so while i took my foot of the brake n put it down again then the car pulled to the right of the road to the opposite side just missin a 306. JUST MISSING ANOTHER CAR.


My heart was pumpin like mad n im sure Phil got some freight too, like ive had some close calls but that was one off the first ive came too.

ANY 1 Else get stuff like this happenin like jeez laweez!?!?!?!?! :D:D:D:D

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lol thats weared you mentioned that,

a week before i sold the blue starlet i was late for collage one morning

totaly mincin it to work down this wet greasy road, i mean heshing it(i know fools speed in the wet and that morning i was a total fool)

so im trying to keep the speed up to overtake this sherpa, about 150yards from it i notice a car coming over the crest so i start to brake hard,

but the guy in the sherpa could see me bearing down on him and started braking thinkin i was gona overtake him,,, im like FUCK!

at this point im locking up at the same time vearing into the middle of the road for what seems like a solid 100yards as i close in on him, meanwhile the c*nt is still braking so i cant caidence brake in fear of loosing everythin and endin up in the back of him

and the oncoming car is getting closer

time starts to slow down,im honestly thinking byby no claims! and im still in the middle of the road sliding along,,,

i finnish locking upinches from sherpa mans bumper (i thought i hit him)

as the wheels unlock i can then pull the other half of the car off the middle of the road, just as i do that the oncoming car sails past,

s to give u an idea of my speed at the start of these chenanigens, sherpa guy is now doin 50

that takes the buiscit for the thickest thing ive done in a car this year

praise the lord that the brakes on my glanza have abs!

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yeah i ve had a few close ones mostly in the ice!! jus got 4 rims repaired and was heading into Lisburn one day from Carryduff. following a white transit van through all the wee twisty back roads slightly slippy but came down into a housing estate and the transit started to slide. he ended up parked up ontop of the kerb, as soon as i noticed that i lifted off the throttle but also started to slide towards the same side of the road towards a parked car!! jus managed to miss it by a few inches and hit the kerb with the rear of the car which threw the front round scuffing the rim!! it all happened like someone had put it in slow motion!!!

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One thing I've had to learn in the turbo's is how to brake properly.  Slamming your foot to the foot in a non-abs GT will lock her up.  Quite handy for scaring the crap out of first-time passengers but you have to keep pressing it on-of-on-off to get the speed down safely.  The hardest part is taking your foot off the pedal when the brain is telling you 'BRAKE'!  :D


DUDE thats what i was exactly afraid of happenin

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you wont be able to drive fast around corners(especialyoffcamber corners) in the wet as theback end will brake away, lifting off midcorner in the wet is a definate nono.

all is forgot when your in the dry though you can take corners at much higher speeds safely without anydrama,

lifting off midcorner in the dry zones the front end of the car into the apex,,

great fun! worth it in my opinion as speed + wetness is just not clever

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he he i did that once went round a roundabout pretty quick in the wet and let off ended up spinnin it twice and facing the wrong way up a dual carriageway luckly didnt hit anything as it was a wide road but still made be brick it so yeah dont drive fast in the wet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D

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well im sure you all heard the story of me hitting the deer.

nice summers evening just getting dark driving down a loooooong straight country road, doin the speed limit of course (cough cough). when suddenly a deer leaps from the hedge into my path and stands there. instantly the foot slams down hard on the brake and straight away the wheels lock up. i start skidding and steering ( like everyone says , there is no way im taking me foot off the pedal) manage to slow it down to around 70 ish and get it onto the other side of the road still skidding , and the little f**king c*nt decides its gonna follow me. then BANG i hit it, and my car catapults it straight over the hedge it just jumped out from. i lift off the brake and look down over the hood and think hmmmmm that aint too bad the bonnet was a little bent but hey thats only gonna cost a couple hundred to fix.

so i pull up. get out and walk round to the front. and my heart sunk. the whole front left of the car was gone. ended up costing me a grand to repair and i didnt even get to find the deer. the funniest thing is when i first caught sight of the deer, i though oh look at that pretty little deer ( now im thinking C*NT, he he)

then a couple weeks ago driving down the motorway thought i would challenge a 2.2 vtec prelude ( ha ha ha i was only messing). got up next to him and he wouldnt let me past. every time i went to go he would floor it so he was really pissing me off. so as we were coming up to a roundabout he slowed down like you should and i thought he he here is my chance so i floored it. got infront and thought yeh i just ruined ya. trouble is i didnt see the slow ass driver infront of me. slammed on the brakes and again they locked up. slid across 2 lanes and straight into a kurd and ruined 2 alloys lol.

they dont call me prangers for nothing.

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i know how you feel about the deer dude.

i was going down a contry road at night, and theres a car on the other side of the road stopped. i was doing 45mph, and then i see this deer 4 feet from the front of my car! hit it at about 40, and it totally destroyed the bumper, this was one month after i got it repaired from my previous BIG shunt.

one thing that is not clever, is looking down to adjust your stereo, i did this while doing 60 (in a 60), i look up an there is a van stopped in the road infront of me. i slam on the anchors and manage to bring it down to 45ish, and slammed into the back of it, i hit it that hard that the guy behind me said the rear wheels came off the ground when i hit it (this did my back in). the damage was bad. i needed new;


top panel,





front protection bar,


be careful out there guys. :D


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