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This is just me being slightly bored at work and deciding that a little encouragement can go a long way...

As you guys may have read before I am the UKSO lost cousin that has been punished with hot sun and perfect weather all year round in the Caribbean island of Trinidad. Home of the wonderful steelpan, the worlds greatest Carnival, glorious beaches and BEAUTIFUL women. Oh and did i fail to mention that we have some of the worlds most astonishing array of cars as well...however this does come with a bit of a downside being on a small island so far away from life makes tuning even a bicycle a hard thing as after market parts are not usually as simple to purchase as running down to your local shop or even jumping on ebay.
I mean this is not to say that certain cars are not simpler than others. I mean if i wanted a full rb25 engine and transmission they are a pound and a crown down here every tom dick and harry has one.. and in about anything as well.. laurels toyota crowns toyota chasers skylines ... man even pannel vans.. and if you thought that was a common thing people sr20 the shit out of EVERYTHING

but what about guys like me who grew up in Nottinghill gate that are custom to half a car with no trunk and a cramped back seat what about us guys whose engine bay struggles to hold anything more than na 20 valve .... ohh little starlet how i love the.... second car ive ever bought and sadly the one that ive loved to hate... if it wasnt for this website all the little itty bitty shits that i needed would never be sourced... the no brainer shit that u simply can not find down here

having said that the starlet game down here has been a rough one as there is barely anyone to go to for info and worst yet parts but then one day the ukso ... well uksc at the time... popped up into my life and ill admit to you with out u guys this car would have been gone years ago.... the amount of help you guys have given me over the years is unreal and to try even start listing you all would take forever so for the sake of not forgetting anyone i just give an all out THANK YOU

to the administration team i must give a special shout out to you guys as well as you have heard the pleas of the general public on the club site and have made using it a lot easier and having watched the sites evolve from the days of tgtt.com to this i must say holly shit balls the websites a dream.. you guys have really out done ya self and made my life and im sure the life of all our users as sweet as it can get.. and i know you guys are not finished, you are always thinking of ways to improve and that shit rocks me socks off

despite the pure and outright amazingness off living down here the most frustrating part is looking at all the unique and simply gorgeous creations you the members of this family have managed to build... be that hp figues, gts that are pure sex in the looks department, engine bays you can eat out of, or track hor eps that would destroy almost everything else... you lot have some of the nicest eps out there and it makes me so jealous knowing that my car as sweet as it is has the potential to be something so great... ahh if only i still lived in England....
however i must say that despite it making me depressed the works of our local steven spielburg and his team aka brokenmedia definitely keeps me in the loop i love every second of every video as it makes me feel like im at all these events that you all are going to ....for fucks sake i just watched the 2012 JAE special extras and am straight up furious i didnt book my vacation earlier.. any how to broken media keep the work up ...

special thanks to all the members who have helped me and despite not usually doing so went through the troubles of shipping parts to the Caribbean for me... special thanks to Matt from tuning developments for answering all me dum questions....

lol k just re read that and its so mushy and homo almost dont wana press send but say what just wana send a piece of appreciation as im sure there are many of us that are part of the site and haven't actually met the team that are thankful as well

any who peoples rasslenny is out a here
aka Alejandro

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