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Zisco ct9 ram users GTFI here.

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Put mine on at weekend all okay apart from one bolt which I can't tighten much.

Imagine you look at it, you have 4 top bolts and 2 bottom ones.

The bottom left one is under the ram and I can't get a spanner on it. If I do it has no room at all to move. I get a socket on but can't turn it.

Anyone got any advice?

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I used a ratchet spanner and could only turn 1 click at a time, went down with the spanner from the top


I cant seem to get the spanner through the small gap, maybe my spanner is just a fatty.

Short Stubby Spanners

UJ Socket and extension

I recall having a ballache with my Zisco Ramhorn on a ct9...

But cant remember which one it was!

Bigger the turbo, the easier it is to get to the bolts hehe!

sorry to sound thick but what is a UJ socket? i ahve a full halfords socket set and got a 14 on there and a small bendy parts but couldnt tighten when it was on.

i wish had money for td04 full set up! ha

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