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Your rights against the Police

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Superb they were flapping big time. Standard from that lot they operate outside the law more often that the public do.

We were randomly stopped before and my friend done the exact same and the copper was quickly backtracking. You would be surprised how often they do genuinely take advantage of the publics ignorance it is unbelievable.

I'd like to hope a complaint was filed about each and everyone of them blatantly admitting the waste of tax payers cash. About 7 of them there because he wouldn't let them take advantage shows how pathetic they are.

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Yeah definitely!!! I always have my iPhone and will do in future! And make extra sure my cars fully legal! Nothing worse than doing that and then being caught out! But yeah I know loads of police men and women personally and some of them should never be allowed to be in the "force". Their attitude towards people and their own authority is awful! And as far as making complaints are concerned you need pretty substantial evidence such as a video because they are fair and justified! :D hahaha

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Think its a nissan navara mate.

so legally u genuinely dont have to get out of the vehicle when stopped ?

or just stopped for no reason ?

Think its only if u get stopped for no reason. U can see all the acts online by googling them. Ud be surprises how little power the police have if u know the law well.

They trust in the general publics ignorance and the uniform to get the power they manipulate.

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What a waste of time.

Police are there for a reason. One day they won't pull someone over out of fear and they will be uninsured and kill someone. Then everyone will moan the police don't stop people.

No winning

The argument I have with what u said is that they checked his vehicle details and they got the all clear and 8 coppers there surely they should have something better to do

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Did the guy have to be a douche bag? Or was he trying to prove a point. The man originally probably just wanted to check details and he made it clear he want as many people there and to cause a hard time.

I'm no cop lover but this sort of shit is stupid

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If you know the law why not.... He informally applied the law and got his point across legally whereas a solicitor would of been formal.

Good on him that he knows what he's doing

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What about when he starts calling him bacon breath and get back in your pork mobile?

Just another idiot who thinks he knows the law and wants to waste police time and thinks hes a big man. 5 minutes of his time and they would have been on thier way if he checked out. A lot of cops are wankers but as said they are there for a reason. He asked for assistance and 2 more units show up.

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The point of the video is to prove that the police DO NOT operate within the law and take advantage of a lack of knowledge of the law to illegally question, search and convinct ordinary people.

Put it this way how many of you have had your houses or cars broken into? And how many of the thiefs were caught and your item returned?

Now how many of you have been pulled over in your cars and charged for unfair offences when you have been cooperative?

I garuntee far more of us have been done unfairly than have had a thief caught and possesions returned?

Point being the police take advantage of easy targets. And dont really bother their arse catching the real problems with society.

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