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Everything posted by shorty

  1. So went to bed on friday night, and got woken up at 3am by banging on my front door and my mum calling to me through my bedroom door that my van alarm is going off! So jump out of bed and pull on some shorts fast as you like, run down stairs and my bro deebo is already unlocking the front door, we fly up the drive to chase and fuck up who ever is trying to steal my shit and see what no one expects........my van on fire!! Was arson, my neigbour slowed it with an extinguisher and then we just watched it burn till the fire service showed up. Is a fookin nutter running around burning cars
  2. Is about 700 to ship a small car and 1000 for a big car. You need to pay to have it driven/transported to the dock in japan and loaded which can vary but account around 200-400 for that. Then in the uk you pay import duty which is 10% plus vat which is 20% this is on the total invoice value! So what ever you have spent so far which will be around 2400+30%taxes=2880 plus you will now need to pay unloading fees in the uk, around 200-300 if you dont shift the car within 5 days storage of 25-50 a day depending on vehicle size is also applied. Then you will need to do all the relevant paper work th
  3. ^^ Yep cycle. Is great to get fit. And is so many different types of riding you can do. Plus only expense really is a good bike and a good helmet. Apart from the odd service items theres not much to pay out for.
  4. Fantastic time! And big thanks to the club staff/team for once again sorting, planning and creating a great stand and atmosphere can not wait till the next one
  5. I thought he was a bellend personally lush car though
  6. Just gonna bump it back up a bit. She tried to do 10miles yesterday and really struggled. She needs to do 13.5 on the day!
  7. That was one of the most disturbing things I've ever experienced haha. you ollie n woody where a little too comfortable with each other lol
  8. Haha, its not jae without vast amounts of male nudity! We where still abusing ollie on the way home haha.
  9. Nice to see people still jump at the chance to help each other these days
  10. Im stuck up! Honda's are shit!! And vtec is dull, especially when you have 3 litres, 2 turbos, and vvti and best of all badge says toyota mooohaaaaaaaa!!
  11. Lol^^ cheers connor at least no one can say they havnt got what they came for lmao! Now get you wallets out lol
  12. 400 odd views but no where near as many donations. Come on guys. Seriously whats a few quid to a great cause!
  13. Then im even more grateful. And goodluck with it. Is stressful but normally works out
  14. Thank you jojo for your donation hope all is going well with the house/move
  15. Bumping this up, she really struggled with the 9mile training run yesterday as one of her knees started playing up. Make her smile with kind donations guys n gals. Evry little helps
  16. shorty


    Best quote ever! To many people are to big headed these days and feel that the way they live their life (what ever way that is) is how others should live theirs! There in lies the issue with modern life. Live and let live. Witch is ironic given all faiths and teachings in all education/cultures is that peace and respect for others is paramount to a happy life!
  17. I cant comment without my lawyer present lol.
  18. Mate, one sausage with some rat poison in and it all goes away!...........its all im saying.
  19. Yes, should be fine. And in the states the 5e was in the toyota corsa witch is a piece of crap looking little 3door hatch back. Thats why the gasket/rebuild kits are so cheap. To them its not a high performance engine atal. If you are gonna run boost though id get an athena hg for it.
  20. Wtf not at jae! Why? And there currently isnt breast though so kind of like a strip club in a power cut haha.
  21. Mr ryan lag sir! Mucho thanks hugs for you at jae
  22. Thank you to yaris turbo for your donation mate ;)
  23. Any one else feeling warm and kind and fuzzy, feel free to donate and help spur her on for a damn good cause
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