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Everything posted by BAZ2CRAZY

  1. Wtfs phonix lol. Il just like... Chip whenever. Is this still happening or is it being re organized? Mitch
  2. Dude im in the same boat. Only my friends drive shit cars, i just want to channel my money into somthing rwd. Its either spend around 1k on the gt over the next 6 months... Or save it and get an s-body. Its fucking gay. And its driving me mad because i need new suspension. Ergh.and i just know if i decide to keep it, it will go bang.. I just know it. Mitch
  3. aiiii she'll be splurtting,popping and scraping all over the place. Mitch
  4. This needs updating i think. I gained 1hp with the mines ecu lol. Ive now got string gt's toms kit. harness on route. Need new suspension. On the verge of selling. might stick it out though. Pics shall be taken soon. Oh man shes such a slag at the moment. dirty bitch Mitch
  5. If the cars fit il be there; 1)Liam_D 2)drongo boi 3)starlet786 4)Ro55ifumi 5)BAZ2CRAZY Mitch
  6. Depends what you want it for. Id go for rwd over fwd any day of the week. But i wouldnt get an mr2 after my gt. Want somthing to skid. Mr2 man. For sure. Mitch
  7. Think im gona either modify the d2's so both eyelets are the same. Or get some stock suspension for now and sell both sets of coilovers (obz stating the buddy clubs might be fucked) then get meisters or somthing. As i dont fancy mix and matching the suspension i.e d2's on back buddys on front. As for dates, i cant do the october 30th weekend. Up for any other time Mitch
  8. Just drop me a text liam. Im up for it My suspensions still dodge. Bought those buddy clubs.... when i opened them up it turns out one of the rears is fucked. The damping adjuster is missing.. Fucking cock. So i duno what to do. Safe
  9. One of the most disturbing and most unbelievable things ive ever known. The poor guy just got over throat cancer... These sick fuckers were payed money for murder/death videos by some dickhead. So the poor guys minding his own business and is mutilated beyond belief.. No one watch this please, it only spurs on what the video was intended for.. Entertainment. I watched 30 seconds of it and it fucked me up for days man. Sheer disbelief. :/ R.i.p. I hope the sick fuckers die a miserable and equaly unfair death. But that wont happen, stupid justice system. Eye for an eye. Mitch
  10. Gee was frickin close to me Was a fun day. Lew: sweet 82 man, cleann Mitch
  11. One of your favorite cars.... ... Is and MG zt... Mitch


    What Rubix said.... (rwd) Mitch
  13. Think the dubstep version is working...?? Mitch
  14. SICK. Not put those pics up yet dude. Will soon. Need this stupid video up too Mitch
  15. Sweet man, this car ripped at japfest. The rx8 made me laugh.. Got a couple clips of it in my 'montage' when i get it to work. Also i dont know whether you know... But am i able to get hold of track pictures from japfest? Is there a website at all? Mitch
  16. Nice one lads. I uploaded it again last night without luck. Photobucket didnt work either.. So im wondering whether apple are being gays. Il try streetfire later on, i can still send it to you RobSR if you will have more luck. All this hassle for a 4 minute pap video lol. Mitch
  17. Yeah.. Its aimed at you, youll understand if you watch the vid, which i hope to get up if youtube arnt going to be gay. Mitch
  18. pahaha. This wasnt supposed to be difficult or hyped... its a naff 4 minute video or random pics and videos i took. I hope it works this time. meh.
  19. It is good music. Im trying now. photobucket has refused it also. Just stuck a random netsky tune on, non of the video transitions match now though:( Mitch
  20. Yeah it is, think it creates a decent theme though... yeah, its like 4 mins long. Uploading lower quality on photobucket. Mitch
  21. Bare with me. The file is massive, will get it uploaded somwhere. Mitch
  22. i know.. il try photobucket. Mitch
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