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Starbo Moorley

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Everything posted by Starbo Moorley

  1. I carry a 2 1/2 ft pair of stillsons and a 1/2 meter wheel brace for this very reason...... also very handy for when youve got seized coil-overs
  2. Starbuck - Large Graphite Tee - Hot Pink Colour scheme LeeroyV - med black tee & Med black hoddie - Red or pink Ro55ifumi Large Graphite Tee- Red, Large Black Hoodie - Red. PAID Drongo Boi - Large Black Hoodie Nanglebadger - Large Graphite Tee - Hot Pink Colour scheme. Large Graphite Hoodie - Hot Pink Colour scheme and Nanglebadger near the right cuff Steve GT- Ex Large Black Hoodie Hot pink colour SiCaln - Large Graphite Tee - Hot Pink Colour scheme PAID Templar2007 large graphite tee and hot pink colour scheme and ex large black hoodie and hot pink colour scheme and username white on the
  3. pm me price for the turbo if it is a td04 matey !
  4. Dont do ale's but two for one on food yes please 1) Liam_D 2) paulgtt 3)starbo-moorley (pending clutch )
  5. yeh im game if ive got a clutch soreted and im sure we could pester mitch to come in his mx5 or if he cant handle the shame ill pick him up hahaha, youl fine be paul
  6. Was a mint weekend ! shame i were on the civic type r owners club stand with our honda supplied generator and gazebo with plasma screen tv, ps3 and xbox 360
  7. pooo cant make a payment till this sunday as im out of country till thrn :harhar: oh well ill just go eit hthe honda crew lol
  8. was a mint meet some tidy cars there, my mates 106 turbo got more attention than most other cars (weirdly lol), need to get there mega early next time lol
  9. Your coming with us lot aint ua drongo ? And good idea Starbuck i were gonna ask uf you could bring me one looks like its gonna be a very good turnout gonna have fun saving spaces for fellow starlet crew haha
  10. hahaha me and my crew are on about gettin there earlier this time, so ill save some spaces for starlet friends lol
  11. found out ive got work on the saturday so im a sunday only now. what time we meetin at donny services ?
  12. Im up for the weekend , ill be paying up at the end of the month though !
  13. Cars looking good mate, best have her ready for TOA, ill park next to you and then realise how battered my body kit is lol
  14. im gonna be there but im on the type-r owners stand hahaha
  15. lol my computer is being special ! ill try again tomorrow
  16. mate your mental ! some good driving there !
  17. what day you planning on going ? ill have to hunt you down and have a nosey at some point !! (if you dont mind of course !)
  18. sweet ! i look forward to see you running your car it sounds like its gonna be a beast ! i was going to run mine but my clutch has started to slip and cant afford a decent clutch atm
  19. im going with a load of mates, tis a good laugh but there's some right retards/chavs that go
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