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Everything posted by pig666eon

  1. as above nothing bad haha just want to give him a buzz. obviously dont post it up here pm me yeah cheers
  2. vnice spec v dude have seen thread on this before one clean motor!
  3. them nose mans are epic i gave up on the hole extreme sports scene after my 3rd dislocated shoulder. great vid really enjoyed that great music
  4. as above! does the 5efhe head have bigger valves?
  5. www.ifyourlookingforstickersihavethemherereadytobesentout.co.uk short and sweet get to the point
  6. both sites are very good and should be used to your advantage. both site provide excellent info and have a great community between them so you cant really dis either because at the end of the day they both have the same goal and that is be used as a tool if its info or projects and even parts! some people dont get along fair enough but as above there is no point saying uksc has my back on this one ect thats just sad. if you like one site better dont be going around saying the other one is crap or shit just dont use it simple as it only cuases unnecessary bull shit the reason tgtt seems strict
  7. cheers dudes! yeah i was thinking that after but im getting a nice set of coilys that will sort that out
  8. im in a good mood today people i got the car home and put the new wheels on. now i did plan to spray them and give them the same color as the car but the red has grown on me and i like. im going to leave them on for now and see what the storie is with them down the road. let me know what you think also! here is some pics of her in the garden. she is not buttoned up with some bits needs adjusting but you get the point! the front mount will finish it off very nicely and a oil cooler above
  9. yeah man it will be done something diff haha i might have it ready for next spring iif im lucky there is ment to be a convoy coming over ill be game dude im flocking it myself man have the companys in all for the equipment. just when the funds come in is the prob its all money man is it your first time or you going back?
  10. well man maybe im wrong but we will just say your right and im right haha i dont know dude i wont really know until i have the wheels put on and take it from there. tbh its the least of my worries im so ancious to get her home but the challange of stripping the interior is going to take up a good day or so. its going to be flocked any money i have will be going towards that haha stage two as i call it i have some nice engine parts there but now thinking a diff turbo setup. dont want to be dropping names but sacha is doing me up something unique as it hasnt been done before. its a gamble atm
  11. haha right someone get oxford dic on the fone and tell them idrees has claimed yellow for himself lol well lad im not to sure about that as i seen them myself dude. i live a ten min drive from the fella who makes them and collected them personally. the ones i seen were defo not carbon as i would would want them instead haha maybe we are thinking of different people dude
  12. well in fairness dude the color was my plan two years ago. it only came into reality 4 months ago. so i its defo not a copy of yours haha the fenders are spot on dude. i have seen the original cruise ones side by side with my ones so no probs there. maybe its just the photo. like as stated will be changed i have 99 spec ones here and sa3rs for wheels. the fuel cap was just for demo purposes and will be replaced with a carbon one when its sorted i think man everyone is welcome to their own opinions man so im not going to hate haha im sure there is a few more aswell that doesnt like it but the
  13. i have a update dudes i was hoping to have the car home for better quality pics but it hasnt worked out the way i want it so i have two quick pics for you not great but you will get the first glimpse of what its going to turn out like. i will add better ones when i get it back! enjoy
  14. this game will be crazy. i only hope the internet hold up now for the winter, im using the 3 broadband and it barely works with bad weather
  15. i dont think anyone finds their dream car dude people build their dream car. pick up a clean car man and make it your own. you will get alot more satisfaction knowing you built it also you get a good sense of pride for your car then. haha it becomes part of the family
  16. well man rhd japan is spot on fastest del i ever got. i paid for tracking and had it in the port within 3 days from japan. excellent service man defo the best place i have bought stuff from and still do. no need to worrie there man
  17. cheers man thanks yeah yellow but abit more orange than idrees. yellow seems to be the color of the weeks haha it looks so much nicer in the flesh i will have to get a high res camera lined up for next week
  18. alright dudes got a small update car is nearly done its image change. it will be ready for next mon and will be coming finally home. its not done yet but i took a quick pic and edited it so not to give much away until next week when its full done i know there was alot of skeptics saying no with yellow but the color is perfect and my camera phone does not do it justice. its not just yellow but has parts black also you cant see in this small pic, also it was raining so it looks abit off anyway here is a little teaser for now and i will have pics up for next mon. let me know what you think as i
  19. nice to see but i think your on the vid more time than the glanza lol very nice looking car man!
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